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Grand Theft Auto V/Online Protagonists run a heist gauntlet.

Franklin, Trevor, Michael, Lester, and 4 GTA Online protaganists team up and try to raid/steal from the most highly secure places on Earth. For each location, they have two weeks of prep time and can spend $50 million on resources for the heist. For the heist to be successful, they must accomplish the mission and be able to lie low within 48 hours of the heist being undergone. They can be discovered but they cannot enter their safehouse until nobody is actively attacking them. They get a month of rest and healing after each round but after the first or subsequent round, they will be wanted fugitives unless they finish the round completely undetected. Assuming endgame version of each character.
  1. Steal millions of cash from the Monte Carlo Casino
  2. Break a prisoner out of USP Florence ADMAX
  3. Steal a ton of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  4. Steal the Mona Lisa from the Louvre
  5. Steal books from the Vatican's secret archives
  6. Steal Lenin's body from his tomb in Red Square
  7. Steal the Crown Jewels of England in the Tower of London
  8. Steal the Hope Diamond from the National Museum of Natural History
  9. Steal the drugs from Office 39.
  10. Steal a sattelite from RAF Menwith Hill
  11. Steal gold from Fort Knox
  12. Steal aircraft from Area 51
  13. Steal keys from an active nuclear missile silo
  14. Capture the President while he is in the White House
submitted by jamkid23 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Kilas Balik Sejarah Judi Online (sumber :
Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online tidak jauh dari awal mulanya terjadi judi offline sebelumnya yang telah lama berlangsung dari jaman prasejarah. Sejarah umat manusia terkait erat dengan sejarah perjudian, karena tampaknya tidak peduli seberapa jauh Anda pergi ke masa lalu, ada tanda-tanda bahwa di mana sekelompok orang berkumpul bersama, perjudian pasti telah terjadi. Sekarang kami tidak akan mencoba melacak setiap putaran dan mengubah evolusi perjudian di artikel ini, tetapi apa yang akan kami lakukan adalah memilih beberapa tanggal terpenting untuk bertindak sebagai tonggak dalam perjalanan menuju perjudian hari ini. pengalaman.
Sejarah Perjudian
Berjudi selama berabad-abad adalah sekilas yang menarik ke dalam cerita budaya dan peradaban. Membawa keberuntungan bagi rakyat biasa sambil tidak menghormati raja, adalah sifat kebetulan yang berubah-ubah dan harapan akan putaran yang menguntungkan yang telah memikat kita selama ribuan tahun. Kami melihat kembali sejarah perjudian.
Permainan Judi telah ada sepanjang sejarah yang tercatat. Itu juga salah satu hiburan favorit dunia. Ini adalah pengaruh besar budaya populer (pikirkan Casino Royale, Ocean's Eleven, The Color of Money, dan banyak lainnya), dan dengan sendirinya terus berubah seiring waktu. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami melakukan perjalanan yang menarik melalui sejarah perjudian.
6000 SM: Afrika & Timur Tengah
Tidak mungkin untuk mengetahui secara pasti kapan manusia pertama mempertaruhkan sesuatu untuk hasil dari suatu kejadian kebetulan. Papan dari dua atau tiga baris lubang paralel yang ditemukan di Timur dekat berasal dari era Neolitik (10.000 - 4.500 SM) tetapi kami tidak dapat mengatakan dengan pasti apakah ini benar-benar permainan papan atau bukan.
Jadi kita akan memulai Sejarah Perjudian kita dengan apa yang kita ketahui. Arkeolog di Mesir telah menemukan apa yang sekarang kita anggap sebagai dadu yang berasal dari sekitar 3000 SM. Adegan yang dilukis di dinding makam dan gulungan papirus kuno menunjukkan pemain di sisi berlawanan dari papan yang menikmati permainan rekreasi seperti Mehen, Senet, Twenty Squares, dan Hounds and Jackals. Tampaknya permainan ini menyebar ke seluruh Mesir dan Timur Dekat melalui perdagangan barang dan kampanye militer. Faktanya, empat game kuno populer ini ditampilkan di The Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York City jika Anda pernah berada di lingkungan tersebut.
Untuk memberi Anda gambaran tentang ini semua, kami akan menggunakan game Mehen sebagai contoh. Dimainkan pada Periode Predinastik Mesir dan Kerajaan Lama (itu 2649 - 2130 SM), papan tersebut menunjukkan seekor ular melingkar yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kotak. Ular itu melambangkan dewa yang melingkari dewa matahari Re untuk melindunginya selama perjalanannya sepanjang malam. Kita tahu ini karena permainan itu dilukis di makam Hesre di Saqqara (2700 SM) bersama dengan potongan permainan yang akan digunakan dengan papan Mehen (tiga singa, tiga singa betina, dan enam set enam kelereng). Kami juga memiliki ide bagus tentang bagaimana permainan itu dimainkan berkat dokumen keagamaan yang disebut Teks Piramida. Ini menunjukkan bahwa akhirat dapat dicapai jika Anda berhasil melewati papan permainan Mehen dan mencapai pusat spiral, secara simbolis bergabung dengan Re.
Selain Mehen, ada lusinan game peluang yang dimainkan di dunia kuno. Senet adalah yang paling terkenal dan sangat populer sekitar 664 - 332 SM. Lain adalah Mancala yang, luar biasa, masih dimainkan hingga hari ini di seluruh Afrika, Timur Tengah dan Asia. Faktanya, ada banyak varian dari game strategi (baca : Game Judi) dua pemain ini yang bertujuan untuk menangkap semua atau sebagian bidak lawan.
Permainan dimulai dengan penempatan sejumlah benih, yang ditentukan untuk permainan tertentu, di setiap lubang di papan. Pemain mengambil giliran dengan membuang semua benih dari lubang, “menabur” benih (menempatkan satu di setiap lubang berikut secara berurutan) dan menangkap berdasarkan keadaan papan. Tujuannya adalah menanam benih paling banyak di bank. Jika bermain dalam mode tangkap, setelah pemain mengakhiri giliran di lubang kosong di sisinya sendiri, dia menangkap bidak lawan secara langsung. Setelah ditangkap, pemain dapat meletakkan benih di banknya sendiri. Setelah menangkap, lawan kehilangan giliran.
Tercatat ada lebih dari 800 nama permainan mancala tradisional. Aspek-aspek tertentu dari permainan mengingatkan kita pada aktivitas pertanian dan pemain tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus untuk ambil bagian. Bukti Mancala telah ditemukan di begitu banyak peradaban kuno, dari daerah Aksumite abad ke-6 di Eritrea dan Ethiopia, hingga Spanyol Muslim abad ke-10 dan pemandian Romawi yang digali di kota Gedera, Israel, dan bukti yang ditemukan di Yordania yang berasal dari sekitar 6000 SM . Hal ini membuat beberapa sejarawan menyarankan bahwa game tersebut bisa jadi yang tertua di dunia, sejak awal peradaban itu sendiri.
2000 SM: India
India memiliki sejarah panjang permainan taruhan. Salah satu permainan, Mahabharata, berada di tengah-tengah mitos epik dalam teks-teks Hindu yang berasal dari tahun 2000 SM. Dalam ceritanya, permainan dadu menyebabkan Pandawa bersaudara kehilangan kerajaannya. Mereka dikirim ke pengasingan sementara istri mereka dianiaya oleh lawan mereka yang menang. Ini membuat marah Dewa Krishna yang menyelamatkan para istri dan cerita berakhir dengan pertempuran epik di mana Pandawa bersaudara menang. Ini adalah kesimpulan yang sangat memuaskan ketika pembaca menemukan bahwa saudara-saudara ditipu untuk memainkan permainan judi yang dicurangi sehingga saudara-saudara itu selalu ditakdirkan untuk kalah - sampai Krishna turun tangan. Ada bukti bahwa judi kadang-kadang digunakan di India untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan antara musuh.
2300 SM: Tiongkok
Meskipun hampir pasti bahwa beberapa bentuk taruhan telah terjadi sejak awal sejarah manusia, bukti konkret paling awal berasal dari Tiongkok Kuno di mana ubin digali yang tampaknya digunakan untuk permainan kebetulan yang belum sempurna. 'Buku Lagu' China mengacu pada "gambar kayu" yang menunjukkan bahwa ubin mungkin merupakan bagian dari permainan jenis lotere. Kami memiliki bukti dalam bentuk slip keno yang digunakan pada sekitar 200 SM sebagai semacam lotre untuk mendanai pekerjaan negara - mungkin termasuk pembangunan Tembok Besar China. Lotere terus digunakan untuk tujuan sipil sepanjang sejarah - Harvard dan Yale sama-sama didirikan dengan menggunakan dana lotere - dan terus berlanjut hingga hari ini.
500 SM: Yunani Kuno & Roma
Penyair Yunani, Sophocles, mengklaim bahwa dadu diciptakan oleh pahlawan mitologis selama pengepungan Troy, dan meskipun ini mungkin memiliki dasar yang agak meragukan, tulisan-tulisannya sekitar tahun 500 SM adalah penyebutan dadu pertama dalam sejarah Yunani. Kita tahu bahwa dadu ada jauh lebih awal dari ini, karena sepasang dadu telah ditemukan dari kuburan Mesir dari tahun 3000 SM, tetapi yang pasti adalah bahwa orang Yunani dan Romawi Kuno suka bertaruh pada segala hal, tampaknya pada setiap kesempatan. Faktanya semua bentuk perjudian - termasuk permainan dadu - dilarang di dalam kota kuno Roma dan hukuman dijatuhkan pada mereka yang tertangkap yang bernilai empat kali lipat taruhannya. Akibatnya, warga Romawi yang cerdik menemukan chip judi pertama, jadi jika mereka ditangkap oleh penjaga, mereka dapat mengklaim bermain hanya untuk chip dan bukan untuk uang sungguhan. (Perhatikan bahwa tipu muslihat ini tidak akan berhasil jika dicoba di kasino Vegas).
200 SM: Mesoamerika
Salah satu permainan tertua di Amerika, Patolli, adalah permainan strategi dan keberuntungan dengan komitmen pada perjudian yang akan membuat rambut Anda berdiri tegak! Varian permainan dimainkan di seluruh Mesoamerika (hari ini meliputi Meksiko tengah, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nikaragua dan Kosta Rika utara). Ada bukti bahwa patolli dimainkan oleh Teotihuacanos (sekitar 200 SM - 650 M), Toltec (750 - 1000), Aztec (1168-1521), dan Maya (yang peradabannya ada dalam satu bentuk atau lainnya dari 2000 SM sampai penaklukan Spanyol di Amerika Selatan pada 1697 M).
Patolli adalah perlombaan atau permainan perang dan apa pun bisa dipertaruhkan - selimut, batu dan perhiasan berharga, makanan, tanaman dan bahkan rumah, anggota keluarga, dan kebebasan penjudi! Anda dapat memahami mengapa permainan patolli selalu dianggap serius dalam kasus 'pemenang mengambil semua' dan pemain mempersiapkan diri secara psikologis dengan memanggil dewa permainan atau perjudian - Macuilxochitl.
Setiap pemain biasanya bertaruh enam item yang dihitung dengan enam penanda yang digunakan setiap pemain untuk menyelesaikan sirkuit di sekitar papan. Gagal melakukan ini dan pemain harus kehilangan satu item. Seberapa jauh bidak-bidak itu bisa bergerak ditentukan dengan melempar lima biji kacang hitam yang diberi tanda pada satu sisi berlubang. Ada banyak kendala yang harus diatasi saat memindahkan enam penanda di sekitar papan bertanda 52 kotak. Misalnya, jika penanda mendarat di salah satu dari dua ruang segitiga gelap di dekat ujung setiap lengan X, pemain harus memberikan harta karun kepada lawan.
Setelah Penaklukan Spanyol di Meksiko, pendeta Spanyol melarang pitolli dan tangan penduduk setempat dibakar jika ketahuan sedang bermain.
800: Tiongkok
Kami kembali ke China untuk penemuan kartu remi. Sebagian besar sejarawan setuju bahwa setumpuk kartu remi modern saat ini yang digunakan di setiap kasino berbasis darat dan online saat ini, mulai hidup di China pada abad ke-9. Jenis permainan yang digunakan untuk kartu ini telah hilang, tetapi beberapa menyarankan bahwa mereka mungkin telah digunakan dalam permainan yang mirip dengan permainan kartu perdagangan anak-anak modern atau mungkin bentuk kertas dari kartu domino Cina.
1300: Italia & Prancis
Permainan kartu dua pemain Baccarat merupakan permainan tertua di dunia yang masih bisa dinikmati di klub judi saat ini, walaupun sangat berbeda dengan permainan yang pertama kali dimainkan di Italia dan Perancis. Kami masih belum tahu bagaimana game ini sampai ke Eropa. Satu teori adalah bahwa itu didasarkan pada permainan Cina Pai Gow (dimainkan dengan ubin, bukan kartu), yang dibawa ke Italia oleh Marco Polo ketika ia kembali pada 1290-an dari ekspedisinya. Sulit untuk mengatakannya karena catatan tertulis pertama tentang Baccarat ditulis pada tahun 1800-an.
Beberapa orang percaya bahwa permainan modern (baca : Judi Online) berasal dari permainan Macao yang populer saat itu atau diciptakan menggunakan kartu Tarot oleh orang Italia - yang bernama Felix Falguiere - kemudian diperkenalkan di Prancis oleh tentara yang kembali dari konflik Italia pada tahun 1490-an. Yang lain menautkan Baccarat hari ini ke game Vingt-et-un yang berasal dari Prancis.
Either way, itu milik dunia sekarang dan tetap menjadi permainan favorit sebagian besar berkat kemudahan bermain dan keunggulannya rendah (dan kami tidak lupa betapa kerennya James Bond membuatnya terlihat!).
1600: Spanyol dan Blackjack
Pada awal 1601, penulis Spanyol Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, menyebutkan permainan veintiuna dalam bahasa Spanyol di salah satu bukunya. Mungkin saja ventiuna adalah nenek moyang blackjack modern, atau dia bisa saja merujuk pada trente-un, permainan populer pada tahun 1570. Bahkan mungkin itu adalah permainan quinze Prancis. Tampaknya dengan persediaan kertas yang sedikit, tingkat melek huruf yang rendah dan tidak adanya pulpen, para jenius yang menemukan versi paling awal dari permainan yang kita sukai, jarang ditulis dalam sejarah.
Jadi apa yang kita ketahui tentang blackjack? Permainan seperti yang kita kenal sekarang secara resmi dinamai oleh orang Amerika dan dikaitkan dengan promosi 'get'em through the door' di Nevada pada tahun 1930-an - dengan peluang 10: 1 dibayarkan jika seorang pemain menang dengan Jack of Clubs or Spades hitam bersama dengan Ace of Spades.
1638: Italia dan kelahiran kasino
Meskipun perjudian adalah aktivitas yang populer dan tersebar luas di Venesia pada tahun 1600-an, baru pada tahun 1638 para pemimpin kota mengubah sayap Palazzo Dandolo Venesia menjadi rumah judi milik pemerintah bernama Il Ridotto, yang berarti "kamar pribadi".
Il Ridotto terbuka untuk umum, tetapi taruhannya yang tinggi dan aturan berpakaian formal tidak mencakup semua orang selain bangsawan. Permainan termasuk biribi dan basetta. Dalam biribi, pemain akan bertaruh pada salah satu dari 70 kemungkinan hasil. "Bankir" bertanggung jawab untuk menarik nomor, dan mereka yang bertaruh pada nomor itu akan memenangkan pot permainan. Pemain yang menang hanya akan mengumpulkan 64 kali taruhan aslinya, memungkinkan rumah untuk membuat bayaran 10 persen pada permainan. Ini nantinya akan menjadi tepi rumah.
Permainan paling populer di Il Ridotto adalah basetta, yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur dari apa yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai blackjack, poker, dan gin rummy. Pemenang bisa mendapatkan 60 kali lipat taruhan mereka dalam pembayaran.
Klub ini akhirnya ditutup pada tahun 1774 oleh pembaru Venesia, Giorgio Pisani, dengan tujuan "untuk menjaga kesalehan, disiplin yang baik, dan perilaku yang moderat".
1796: Rumah Judi Paris
Para Pemain Judi memiliki rumah taruhan di Paris untuk berterima kasih atas roulette. Versi paling awal dari gim ini tampaknya merupakan hibrida dari roda gim yang ditemukan pada awal 1700-an dan gim biribi Italia yang populer. Permainan dalam bentuk modern pertama kali disebutkan dalam novel Prancis tahun 1801, La Roulette - Ou le Jour, dan diperkirakan dimainkan di Paris untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1796.
Kasino Little Wheel di Paris memiliki skema warna yang berbeda saat itu. Merah digunakan untuk nol tunggal dan hitam untuk nol ganda, tetapi di beberapa titik di tahun 1800-an, hijau diperkenalkan untuk menghindari kemungkinan kebingungan.
Sepanjang tahun 1800-an, game judi ini semakin populer dan menyebar ke seluruh Eropa setelah dibukanya Kasino Monte Carlo yang ikonik. Meskipun bentuk nol tunggal dari permainan ini dimainkan di Eropa dan sebagian besar dunia, orang Amerika tetap menggunakan roda nol ganda yang asli.
1829: Pertumbuhan global Poker
Di sini sekali lagi, kita harus berspekulasi tentang asal mula poker. Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa permainan tersebut dapat ditelusuri kembali 1.000 tahun ke jenis permainan kartu domino yang dimainkan oleh seorang kaisar di Tiongkok abad ke-10. Sekolah pemikiran lain memiliki poker yang berasal dari permainan kartu Persia abad ke-16 yang disebut "As Nas".
Yang kita tahu adalah bahwa permainan bernama Poque semakin populer di Prancis pada tahun 1600-an bersamaan dengan padanannya di Jerman, pochen. Kedua permainan perjudian didasarkan pada permainan primero Spanyol abad ke-16 - tiga kartu dibagikan kepada setiap pemain dan menggertak adalah bagian penting dari permainan.
Poque dibawa ke Amerika Utara oleh penjajah Prancis, dan pemukim berbahasa Inggris Anglicized Poque ke poker. Pada tahun 1834, banyak fitur modern dari permainan ini digunakan, termasuk lima kartu untuk setiap pemain dan setumpuk 52 kartu.
Segera, popularitas permainan di antara anggota kru di perahu sungai yang mengangkut barang ke atas dan ke bawah Sungai Mississippi menyebarkan permainan itu ke seluruh negeri. Kita tahu pasti, bahwa tentara di kedua sisi Perang Saudara Amerika bermain poker dan itu juga merupakan favorit perusahaan di bar Wild West di permukiman perbatasan pada tahun 1870-an dan 1880-an.
Itu adalah Menteri Amerika untuk Inggris Raya yang memperkenalkan permainan ke Eropa pada tahun 1871. Ratu Victoria mendengar dia menjelaskan permainan kepada anggota istananya dan meminta aturan. Secara umum diterima bahwa fenomena global poker benar-benar melonjak selama Perang Dunia I karena tentara Amerika mengambil kesempatan untuk bermain kapan pun mereka bisa.
Baik Anda menikmati permainan poker langsung atau versi meja yang lebih tradisional, Anda mungkin paling akrab dengan varian Texas Hold'em tahun 1970-an, tetapi ada sejumlah versi berbeda selama bertahun-tahun.
1891: One Armed Bandit Amerika
Mesin slot yang sangat populer saat ini mulai hidup sebagai mesin judi sederhana yang dibuat oleh Sittman dan Pitt dari Brooklyn, New York pada tahun 1891. Mesin ini menggunakan 50 dari 52 kartu setumpuk poker untuk menantang pemain membentuk tangan poker. Permainan ini membutuhkan biaya satu nikel untuk dimainkan dan meskipun semakin populer, tidak ada cara untuk menstandarkan pembayaran untuk semua kombinasi kemenangan yang beragam - ini berarti hadiah untuk menang bervariasi dari satu batang ke batang lainnya.
Kemudian, pada tahun 1895, seorang pria bernama Charles Fey menciptakan mesin tiga drum dengan menggunakan lima simbol. Ini membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menstandarkan pembayaran pada jumlah kombinasi. Mesin slot elektronik pertama baru lahir pada tahun 1963. Kemudian pada tahun 1976, mesin slot video ditemukan dengan layar berwarna 19 inci dan papan logika Sony, yang ternyata lebih dapat diandalkan daripada suku cadang mekanis, lebih murah untuk diproduksi dan tidak terlalu rentan terhadap penipuan. Ini tentu saja membuka jalan bagi slot digital di klub berbasis darat dan slot online yang merupakan tulang punggung sebagian besar operasi perjudian saat ini.
1960-an: Taruhan Olahraga Inggris
Inggris Raya memiliki sejarah panjang dalam taruhan olahraga, tetapi baru setelah Undang-Undang 1960 melegalkan taruhan di luar jalur, Inggris berkembang menjadi pasar yang sangat besar seperti saat ini dengan lebih dari 1.000 toko taruhan di London saja. Tidak diragukan lagi daya tariknya adalah menambahkan taruhan seseorang melalui taruhan pada hasil salah satu hiburan favorit kami, dan seringkali obsesif, - olahraga.
Pasar taruhan olahraga online saat ini di Inggris Raya bernilai sekitar £ 650 juta dengan populasi perjudian online 2,1 juta pelanggan dan terus bertambah.
Taruhan pada olahraga telah menjadi rekor sejak orang Yunani menemukan Olimpiade ribuan tahun yang lalu. Tidak diragukan lagi legalisasi tahun 1950-an atas hobi di Las Vegas dan pelonggaran undang-undang tahun 1960-an di Inggris menyebabkan penggunaan hobi tersebut. Tetapi baru setelah internet menjadi arus utama, taruhan online melonjak ke ketinggian baru. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang sejarah taruhan olahraga di Inggris di blog ini.
1994: Perbatasan Baru untuk Perjudian
Sama seperti kita telah memindahkan begitu banyak aktivitas kita secara online, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa perjudian di dunia maya telah meledak sejak Internet tersedia di rumah kita. Faktanya, dalam lima tahun setelah online, industri taruhan diperkirakan bernilai £ 3,8 miliar. Saat ini, ini adalah industri multi-miliar pound dengan lebih dari seribu kasino online di seluruh dunia.
Sekarang tablet dan ponsel cerdas memungkinkan penjudi untuk bermain game online di mana pun mereka berada, dan kapan pun mereka suka, dan para ahli memperkirakan bahwa ini hanyalah awal dari tren peningkatan dalam perjudian seluler. Dengan pemikiran ini, situs perjudian terus berupaya untuk membuat pengalaman online semudah dan seautentik mungkin bagi pelanggan mereka, sehingga terbentuklah situs taruhan online.
Dengan teknologi baru yang menarik segera hadir di bidang Virtual dan Augmented Reality, tidak sulit untuk percaya bahwa tak lama kemudian, pengalaman online akan menawarkan semua realisme ruang judi, tanpa Anda harus meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah Anda. .
Bermain langsung di VIVA99 sebagai agen judi adalah pengalaman yang benar-benar unik. Penawaran kelas satunya memberi para pemain kesempatan untuk mengambil bagian dalam permainan kasino langsung favorit mereka tanpa perlu mengunduh untuk bermain - hanya pengalaman kasino sejati setiap saat.
2020: Perjudian Telah Beralih ke Seluler
Sejak New Jersey melegalkan perjudian online pada tahun 2011, minat orang-orang terhadapnya telah meningkat pesat. Amerika telah melihat langkah untuk melegalkannya negara bagian demi negara, serta mengalami peningkatan pesat dalam perjudian seluler. Di seluruh dunia, pengguna internet secara bertahap beralih dari desktop ke perangkat genggam mereka. Ini juga berlaku untuk penjudi online, ingin dapat menikmati permainan favorit mereka saat bepergian. Situs judi online teratas di luar sana telah mengenali pasar dan telah meningkatkan kualitasnya. Dengan gelombang tujuan perjudian online yang berfokus pada seluler yang mengesankan dan menggemparkan dunia, aman untuk mengatakan bahwa desktop tertinggal jauh demi alternatif yang lebih seluler.
Apa Selanjutnya, Masa Depan
Memprediksi masa depan perjudian sama sulitnya dengan mengungkap beberapa asal mula permainan judi yang kita kenal dengan baik hari ini. Sebagian besar fokus saat ini adalah di pasar game seluler, dengan kasino online berebut untuk membuat lebih banyak konten yang kompatibel dengan perangkat genggam terbaru. Teknologi realitas virtual baru saja mengambil langkah pertamanya sebagai proposisi komersial, dan Anda dapat yakin bahwa akan ada aplikasi perjudian di masa mendatang. Bagaimana Anda ingin duduk di sekitar meja poker virtual dengan sekelompok teman Anda dari seluruh dunia, berbagi sedikit tawa, mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah Anda dapat melihat tanda centang wajah; dan semua ini dari kenyamanan rumah Anda? Headset VR dapat mewujudkannya - mungkin tidak hari ini, tetapi tentunya hanya beberapa tahun ke depan jika teknologi terus berkembang pesat.
Dan setelah itu? Siapa yang tahu, tetapi jika menyangkut perjudian, semua hal mungkin terjadi.
SUMBER : Mengenang Sejarah Judi Online -
submitted by richardviva99 to u/richardviva99 [link] [comments]

The COMPLETE Year-By-Year Jamiroquai Tour History META | Year #19-#20: 2010-2011

Hello Jamiroquai!
This is the thirteenth META post for a new expansive series I have been wanting to do for some time for the subreddit, "The COMPLETE Year-By-Year Jamiroquai Tour History META'! This information will be eventually added to the Jamiroquai WIKI Page in it's entirety in the future but for the time being, it will be a recurring post series.
All of this information is being imparted to us from the Funkin Site fansite, massive thanks to my pal David Rowe for collecting all this important tour information during the nearly past +30 years of the band history, I hope everyone in the Reddit Jamily enjoys this & MUCH MORE TO COME! Cheers Reddit Jamily!


The COMPLETE Year-By-Year Jamiroquai Tour History META | Year #19-#20: 2010-2011:


Date Of Gig Country Concert & Additional Info
24 Jun 10 (Thu) UK, London, Debut London Performed: Revolution, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Light Years, Virtual Insanity, Too Young To Die, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, Corner Of The Earth, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Just Another Story, Deeper Underground. Exclusive 'warm-up' gig two days prior to the band supporting Stevie Wonder at the Hard Rock Calling event in London's Hyde Park.
26 Jun 10 (Sat) UK, London, Hyde Park, Hard Rock Calling Performed: Revolution, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Too Young To Die, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, Space Cowboy, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground. Jamiroquai are one of the support acts for Stevie Wonder, who headlines the second day of this three day festival in central London.
02 Jul 10 (Fri) France, Arras, Main Square Festival Performed: Revolution 1993, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Light Years, Cosmic Girl, Black Capricorn Day, Little L, Alright, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground
11 Jul 10 (Sun) Hungary, Zamardi, Balaton Sound Festival Performed: Revolution 1993, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, Corner Of The Earth, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
14 Jul 10 (Wed) Switzerland, Locarno, Moon and Stars Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Blow Your Mind, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
16 Jul 10 (Fri) Italy, Naples, Neapolis Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Blow Your Mind, When You Gonna Learn, Hooked Up, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Canned Heat, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground
18 Jul 10 (Sun) France, Carhaix, Festival des Vieilles Charrues Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Black Capricorn Day, When You Gonna Learn, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
19 Jul 10 (Mon) France, Carcassonne, Grand Theatre Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
21 Jul 10 (Wed) France, Nimes, Nimes Arena Performed: Revolution, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Light Years, Little L, Cosmic Girl, Alright, Virtual Insanity, Rock Dust Light Star, Too Young To Die, Space Cowboy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
23 Jul 10 (Fri) Switzerland, Paleo Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Just Another Story, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
24 Jul 10 (Sat) Austria, Vienna, Nova Jazz Festival No Info
26 Jul 10 (Mon) Monaco, Monte Carlo, Sporting Club Performed: Blow Your Mind, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Black Capricorn Day, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
27 Jul 10 (Tue) Monaco, Monte Carlo, Sporting Club Performed: You Give Me Something, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up/Just Another Story, When You Gonna Learn, Black Capricorn Day, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground. This is the second of two gigs at the Monte Carlo Sporting Club.
29 Jul 10 (Thu) Belgium, Tienen, Suikerrock Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, You Give Me Something, Little L, Alright, Black Capricorn Day, When You Gonna Learn, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
06 Aug 10 (Fri) Portugal, Sudoeste Festival No Info
09 Sep 10 (Thu) UK, London (Knightsbridge), Mandarin Oriental Hotel Performed: Love Foolosophy, Smokin Mirrors, LifeLine, Hurtin, Rock Dust Light Star, Blue Skies, White Knuckle Ride. Exclusive press/record-company 'showcase' gig to promote the album Rock Dust Light Star.
28 Sep 10 (Tue) UK, London, BBC Television Studios, Later with Jools Holland (tv) (broadcast date) Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Blue Skies, Deeper Underground
09 Oct 10 (Sat) Colombia, Bogota, Nem Catacoa Festival No Info
12 Oct 10 (Tue) Brazil, Programa do Jo (tv) (broadcast date) Performed: White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy. Paul Turner did not perform with the band for this television appearance. His place was taken by Dale Davis.
16 Oct 10 (Sat) Brazil, Sao Paulo, Natura Nos Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Black Capricorn Day, When You Gonna Learn, Cosmic Girl, Blue Skies, Love Foolosophy, Rock Dust Light Star (second version), Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
20 Oct 10 (Wed) UK, London (Kentish Town), Forum Performed: Revolution, High Times, Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Alright, Corner of the Earth, White Knuckle Ride, Black Capricorn Day, Cosmic Girl, Blue Skies, Love Foolosophy, Hurtin', Canned Heat, Deeper Underground. This concert is one of a series of concerts as part of the 'Q Awards 2010.'
22 Oct 10 (Fri) Switzerland, Basel, Festival Hall, AVO Session Basel Performed: Revolution, Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Alright, Cosmic Girl, Black Capricorn Day, Blue Skies, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat
28 Oct 10 (Thu) Netherlands, Amsterdam, De Wereld Draait Door (tv) Performed: Blue Skies (acoustic)
29 Oct 10 (Fri) Netherlands, Amsterdam, Paradiso Performed: Revolution, High Times, Little L, Alright (slow version), Hurting, Smoke and Mirrors, Black Capricorn Day, Rock Dust Light Star (acoustic), All Good In The Hood, Love Foolosophy, Cosmic Girl, Deeper Underground
31 Oct 10 (Sun) UK, London (Wembley), The Fountain Studios, The X Factor (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride. After performing Jay said he had 'reservations before appearing on the show' - and I'm sure the female judges did too after reading the 'quotes' that were printed from Jay in the Sun newspaper (UK) the previous day!
02 Nov 10 (Tue) Italy, The X Factor (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride
04 Nov 10 (Thu) UK, London, AIR Studios, BBC Radio 2 In Concert Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, High Times, Smoke & Mirrors, Little L, Alright, All Good In The Hood, Love Foolosophy, She's A Fast Persuader, Blue Skies, Deeper Underground. 100 pairs of free tickets to this concert were given away by BBC Radio Two (UK). Concert broadcast on BBC Radio Two.
05 Nov 10 (Fri) UK, London (Camden Town), Jazz Cafe Performed: Revolution, High Times, Smoke and Mirrors, Hurtin', All Good In The Hood, Little L, Alright, Love Foolosophy, She's A Fast Persuader, Rock Dust Light Star, Blue Skies, White Knuckle Ride, Cosmic Girl, Deeper Underground. This gig was for winners of a competition organised by HMV.
09 Nov 10 (Tue) Switzerland, Zurich, Kaufleuten Tickets can be won via the website. This is a small 'showcase' gig.
15 Nov 10 (Mon) France,Paris, L'Arc Performed: Rock Light Dust Star, Smoke & Mirrors, All Good In The Hood, Hurtin', She's A Fast Persuader, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground. This is a private album launch gig promoted by Virgin Radio in France.
15 Nov 10 (Mon) France, Paris, Grand Journal de Canal+ (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy, Rock Dust Light Star
20 Nov 10 (Sat) Australia, Sydney (Point Piper), Take 40 Australia Party Performed: Hurtin', Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, She's A Fast Persuader, Alright, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground. An exclusive mansion house was rented in Point Piper to host the Take 40 Australia/Singstar party. The band performed outside in the garden on a stage built on top of a swimming pool!
21 Nov 10 (Sun) Australia, Sydney, The X Factor (tv) Performed: Canned Heat. The band performed Canned Heat and Jay sung alongside X-Factor finalist Sally Chatfield.
22 Nov 10 (Mon) Australia, Sydney, The X Factor (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride
24 Nov 10 (Wed) Japan, Tokyo, Refreshing (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride
24 Nov 10 (Wed) Japan, Tokyo (Shinjuku) Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, White Knuckle Ride. The band performed a short set on a stage set up outside on the streets of Tokyo for the launch of the Azul by Moussy store in Shinjuku. This performance was not officially announced or confirmed, but word spread round and the streets were full of people. Shortly before the band came on stage guitarist Rob Harris tweeted 'About to perform I Shinjuku. Closing down a street, pandemonium.'
28 Nov 10 (Sun) Germany, Stuttgart, Zapata Performed: Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Smokin Mirrors, Alright, All Good In The Hood, Hurtin', Lifeline, She's A Fast Persuader, Blue Skies, White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground
11 Dec 10 (Sat) Norway, Oslo, Spektrum Arena, Nobel Peace Prize Concert Performed: Canned Heat, Lifeline, Virtual Insanity. Following the concert the band performed an impromptu two hour gig at the hotel they were staying at!


Date Of Gig Country Concert & Additional Info
21 Jan 11 (Fri) UK, London, Alan Carr Show (tv) (recording date) Performed: Lifeline. The show was broadcast on UK television three days after filming.
28 Jan 11 (Fri) UK, The Sun Sessions (recording date) Recording of a live 'session' for The Sun newspaper website.
30 Jan 11 (Sun) UK, London, Comedy Rocks (recording date) Performed: Lifeline, All Good In The Hood, (and a few little snippets of songs to introduce acts and go in/out of commercial breaks). Jamiroquai are the 'house band' on this ITV comedy television show. The show was recorded on 30 January.
07 Feb 11 (Mon) France, Paris, Taratata (tv) (recording date) Performed: Deeper Underground, Rock Dust Light Star, California Soul (by Marlena Shaw), White Knuckle Ride
07 Mar 11 (Mon) France, Paris, L'Olympia The band performed a set lasting around 45 minutes at a private show as part of a 15 year celebration of fashion label Paul & Joe during Paris Fashion Week.
18 Mar 11 (Fri) Switzerland, Zurich, Hallenstadion Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, Use The Force, Hang It Over, When You Gonna Learn, Blue Skies, Virtual Insanity, Smoke n Mirrors, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, Hey Floyd, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Feels Just Like It Should
21 Mar 11 (Mon) Germany, Hamburg, O2 World Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vain, Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, Use The Force, Hang It Over, When You Gonna Learn, Angeline, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, Hey Floyd, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Feels Just Like It Should
23 Mar 11 (Wed) France, Paris, Bercy Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, Use the Force, Hang it Over, You Give Me Something, She's a Fast Persuader, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, (Scam Break), All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Feels Just Like It Should
24 Mar 11 (Thu) France, CANCELLED: Lyon, Halle Toni Garnier On the afternoon of the concert the following message was posted at the Jamiroquai facebook page: Due to a tragic accident at the Halle Toni Garnier Arena, the gig at Lyon on 24th March (tonight) is regrettably cancelled. The band were shocked and saddened when told the news, and out of respect immediately felt the right decision was to cancel the show. A police investigation is taking place which would also have prevented the show from happening. We know how disappointed fans will feel, but can only say at this point, the gig will be re-arranged and we will have news of the revised date as soon as possible.
26 Mar 11 (Sat) Germany, Munich, Olympiahalle Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, Use The Force, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
28 Mar 11 (Mon) Austria, Vienna, Stadthalle No Info
30 Mar 11 (Wed) Italy, Milan, Forum Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke and Mirrors, Use the Force, You Give Me Something, Hurtin, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, When You Gonna Learn
31 Mar 11 (Thu) Italy, Mantua, Palabam Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, Use the Force, ‎You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Use the Force, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knucle Ride
02 Apr 11 (Sat) Italy, Turin, Pala Olympico Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, Use The Force, You Give Me Something, Space Cowboy, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
03 Apr 11 (Sun) Italy, Florence, Mandela Forum Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirror, Use the Force, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', She's a Fast Persuader, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, ‎Travelling Without Moving, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
05 Apr 11 (Tue) Luxembourg, Rockhal Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Space cowboy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, All Good In The Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
06 Apr 11 (Wed) Germany, Stuttgart, Porsche Arena No Info
08 Apr 11 (Fri) Germany, Berlin, O2 World No Info
10 Apr 11 (Sun) Belgium, Brussels, Vorst Nationaal No Info
12 Apr 11 (Tue) Germany, CANCELLED: Oberhausen, Konig Pilsener Arena On the day of the concert posted the following message "Unfortunately owing to illness tonights Jamiroquai concert in Oberhausen has had to be cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will advise of the rescheduled date for the concert as soon as we can."
13 Apr 11 (Wed) Netherlands, Rotterdam, Ahoy Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Space Cowboy, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, All Good In The Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
15 Apr 11 (Fri) UK, London (Greenwich), O2 Arena No Info
17 Apr 11 (Sun) UK, Birmingham, LG Arena No Info
19 Apr 11 (Tue) UK, Manchester, MEN Arena No Info
20 Apr 11 (Wed) UK, Glasgow, Glasgow SECC No Info
29 Apr 11 (Fri) Chile, Santiago, Movistar Arena No Info
18 May 11 (Wed) France, Cannes, Hotel Martinez Private gig during the Cannes Film Festival organised by clothing label Replay.
20 May 11 (Fri) Argentina, Buenos Aires, Quilmes Rock Festival Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, You Give Me Something, Lifeline, Little L, Canned Heat, Space Cowboy, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Corner Of The Earth, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
31 May 11 (Tue) France, Paris, Casino de Paris Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Canned Heat, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam Intro, All Good In The Hood, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride, Cosmic Girl. Private concert organised by Pression Live.
08 Jun 11 (Wed) Estonia, Tallin, Saku Arena No Info
10 Jun 11 (Fri) Russia, Saint Petersburg, Ice Palace No Info
12 Jun 11 (Sun) Russia, Moscow, Crokus City Hall No Info
14 Jun 11 (Tue) Ukraine, Kiev, Palace Of Sports No Info
18 Jun 11 (Sat) Poland, Warsaw, Orange Festival No Info
21 Jun 11 (Tue) Croatia, Zagreb, T-Mobile Festival No Info
24 Jun 11 (Fri) Bulgaria, CANCELLED: Razlog, Elevation Festival Jamiroquai cancelled their appearance at this festival because of an injury to Jay Kay's ankle.
26 Jun 11 (Sun) Turkey, CANCELLED: Istanbul, Kurucesme Arena Jamiroquai cancelled their appearance at this festival because of an injury to Jay Kay's ankle.
02 Jul 11 (Sat) Romania, Mamaia, Orange Summer Party No Info
03 Jul 11 (Sun) Former Yugoslavic Republic Of Macedonia, Skopje, Philip-II-Arena No Info
09 Jul 11 (Sat) Serbia, Novi Sad, Exit Festival No Info
13 Jul 11 (Wed) Germany, CANCELLED: Straubing, Jazz Donau The concert was unfortunately cancelled on 12 July.
14 Jul 11 (Thu) Germany, CANCELLED: Mainz, Zollhafen Nordmole The concert was unfortunately cancelled on 12 July.
16 Jul 11 (Sat) Switzerland, Bern, Gurten Festival No Info
17 Jul 11 (Sun) Germany, Ulm, Radio Festival No Info
19 Jul 11 (Tue) France, Arcachon, Velodrome No Info
21 Jul 11 (Thu) Italy, Padova, Piazzola Sul Brenta No Info
22 Jul 11 (Fri) Italy, Rome, Ippodromo Delle Capannelle No Info
24 Jul 11 (Sun) Italy, Lucca, Piazza Napoleone No Info
26 Jul 11 (Tue) France, CANCELLED: Bayonne, Arena This concert was cancelled at the very last minute and the following statement was made the following day. Jay Kay would like to apologise to disappointed fans for the cancellation of last night's show in France. Jay's on-going groin injury has been diagnosed as a hernia which will be need to be operated on later in the summer. Following an MRI scan last week specialists had advised rest but Jay has insisted he wants to try to finish the current run of dates. Doctors have said that provided he manages the pain sufficiently he can continue performing if he feels able. During the course of the past two days the pain flared up again and yesterday he reluctantly decided he did not feel he well enough to perform last night. After two days rest he is hopeful he will be able to complete the remaining 4 shows of the current run, including Toulon tomorrow night. Jay said "I would like to thank fans for their understanding, this is a very frustrating injury and some days the pain is just too extreme to perform to a standard I believe is acceptable. I promise I will do my best to come back out again soon when I'm fully fit and am optimistic I'll be able to pull off the remaining shows of the run."
28 Jul 11 (Thu) France, Nice, Palais Nikaia No Info
29 Jul 11 (Fri) France, Toulon, Six Four Festival Performed: Black Capricorn Day, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Morning Glory, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
31 Jul 11 (Sun) Spain, Barcelona, Poble Espanyol No Info
03 Aug 11 (Wed) Spain, Malaga (Auditorium Municipal) No Info
07 Aug 11 (Sun) Ibiza Privilege Club No Info
05 Sep 11 (Mon) Turkey, Istanbul, Kurucesme Arena Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Morning Glory (Intro), Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Use The Force (Interlude), Travelling Without Moving, Scam (Break), Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
09 Sep 11 (Fri) Italy, Monza, Stadio Brianteo, F1 Rocks Event organised as part of the Italian F1 Grand Prix.
29 Sep 11 (Thu) Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (Barra da Tijuca), Olympic Park Rock City, Rock in Rio Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Morning Glory, Canned Heat, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
20 Nov 11 (Sun) Germany, Oberhausen, Konig Pilsener Arena Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam (break), Alright, Deeper Underground. Due to heavy fog in London on the day of the concert the bandmembers arrived at the venue late with no time for a soundcheck. The concert started slightly later than planned and there were many complaints about the sound quality because of the lack of soundcheck. This is the rescheduled concert that was cancelled on 12 April.
22 Nov 11 (Tue) France, Paris, Bercy Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Dynamite, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
23 Nov 11 (Wed) France, Nantes, Zenith Nantes Metropole Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Use The Force, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
25 Nov 11 (Fri) France, Strasbourg, Zenith Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Interlude, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Use The force, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Hurtin', Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
27 Nov 11 (Sun) France, Limoges, Zenith No Info
28 Nov 11 (Mon) France, Toulouse, Zenith No Info
30 Nov 11 (Wed) France, Lyon No Info
03 Dec 11 (Sat) Belgium, CANCELLED: Antwerp, Lotto Arena The Jamiroquai Facebook page wrote the following on 28 October - "We are sorry to announce the cancellation of the gig at Lotto Arena, Antwerp (Belgium), on 3rd December. This is due to unforeseen logistical problems, which have led to the difficult decision to cancel the gig. We hope to re-arrange the gig in 2012."
10 Dec 11 (Sat) UK, Silverstone, Red Bull F1 Racing Team Party No Info
31 Dec 11 (Sat) Australia, Sydney, Glebe Island No Info
submitted by JamiroFan2000 to jamiroquai [link] [comments]

Literary Destiny: Primary Weapons!

Hey all, 30,000 words later, I've finished the rough draft of my thesis, so I get to reward myself with this!
It is an attempt to catch all the literary references in Destiny's flavor texts–I did armor last week, you can find that post here!
Obviously, since I'm not a writer in Destiny, nor do I know any of the writers, this will not 100% complete–but I read a lot, so maybe it'll be close!
Without more ado about nothing, here's the primary weapons! They're organized by class, and then roughly in descending order of rarity.

Auto Rifles

Fabian Strategy: Wait for enemy to make a mistake. Die. Stand by for Ghost Resurrection. Repeat as necessary.
Interestingly, despite its name being the an actual military strategy, the use of Fabian Strategy really doesn't seem in line with that strategy. The actual strategy is one of attrition, guerrilla warfare, and light skirmishes, as opposed to the frontline fighting the gun espouses. The strategy itself was named after Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator (can't make this stuff up), a Roman dictator who pioneered it against Hannibal, a legendary Carthaginian commander. Fun fact, his cognomen–or honorary last name–Verrucosus, means 'warty', a reference to a wart on his upper lip.
((GENESIS CHAIN~)): ~if(input(SIVA)) // echo Shirazi // output(death) // ask(not in vain)~
I think this is a reference to James 4:3:
3You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, in order to spend what you get on your pleasures.
New Revised Standard Version. 'Ask not in vain', as it were. I'm not 100% about this one simply because it's not a great fit, but 'ask not in vain' is a pretty iconic phrase.
Monte Carlo: There will always be paths to tread and methods to try. Roll with it.
Uhh, so this is a reference to the Monte Carlo method, which, according to Wikipedia, is, "a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results." If someone with relevant expertise could explain this better, I'll edit it in, but for now, I'll take a whack at it: as a part of risk analysis, Monte Carlo methods allow you to simulate a large number of possible outcomes, so you can better make decisions under uncertainty. Of course, it is also a reference to the Monte Carlo principality in Monaco, particularly its opera-house-cum-casino, from which the RNG of the Monte Carlo method takes its name.
Abyss Defiant: We will not go quietly.
A reference to Welsh poet Dylan Thomas' "Do not go gentle into that good night", all of which is fabulous, but I will quote just a short stanza here:
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 
As Guardians, we're pretty conditioned against the 'dying of the light', so this one definitely feels like a good fit.
Arminius-D: Unleash a torrent on your enemies with the Häkke Arminius-D.
The name is of Arminus (german, Hermann), a legendary German commander who lived in both the BCE and CE, and gave the Romans their greatest defeat at the Battle of Teutonberg, in 9CE. Arguably one of the most important battles in history, it likely stopped Roman advancement past the Rhine permanently–which is likely the "torrent" referenced in the flavor text.
Zarinaea-D: You provide the will, and the Häkke Zarinaea-D provides the way.
A Sacae woman, who also fought in battles. Wife of the Parthian (ayyyyy, see pulse rifles, below) King Marmares. Her story is related in Ctesias' history of the Persian empire, Persica.
Paleocontact JPK-43: An auto rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Paleocontact is the idea that aliens rendezvoused with early humans and influenced civilization. It is generally considered a pseudo-historic theory at best, and falls under "Ancient astronauts". No idea about the "JPK-43" part, unfortunately.
Questing Beast: You'll never catch it. But that's not the point.
A reference to Arthurian legend, the Questing Beast is a vicious monster, and a, "... subject of quests undertaken by famous knights such as King Pellinore, Sir Palamedes, and Sir Percival". Its description was quite ferocious:
The strange creature has the head and neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion, and the feet of a hart.[1] Its name comes from the great noise that it emits from its belly, a barking like "thirty couple hounds questing". 'Glatisant' is related to the French word glapissant, 'yelping' or 'barking', especially of small dogs or foxes.
More contemporary incarnations can be found in The Magicians series by Lev Grossman, and possibly South Park? Unsurprisingly, it also makes an appearance in the Merlin TV series. Thanks to Phoenity1 for pointing that one out!
Zero-Day Dilemma: There's no defense against it.
A reference to zero-day vulnerabilities, which are computer vulnerabilities found and exploited before the developers can come up with a solution or workaround–thus the 'zero-day' moniker.
For The People: I stand against the state of nature.
A reference to Thomas Hobbes' "natural condition of mankind", from Leviathan. A 'state of nature' was the theoretical idea of man's existence before society. A really interesting exploration of that idea is Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān, a philosophical work by Ibn Tufail–Arabic, أبو بكر محمد بن عبد الملك بن محمد بن طفيل القيسي الأندلسي– which tells the story of a young man raised entirely in nature by animals, who only comes into contact with society later on in his life.
Izudabar-D: Millenia will pass, and still your name will ring out.
"Izdubar" was the initial translation of the name Gilgamesh, who of course is the protagonist of the Epic of Gilgamesh a fabulous (and surprisingly short!) ancient Mesopotamian epic poem, which is considered the first example of the genre.
Bronzed Miyamoto-D: An aggressive Häkke auto rifle, earned through glory in the Crucible.
A reference to the later-era (1600s) Japanese swordsman and strategist, Miyamoto Musashi–Japanese, 宮本 武蔵–and likely not the co-founder of Nintendo! In his later years, he wrote The Book of Five Rings, a treatise on strategy, tactics and philosophy.
Galahad-E: This extraordinary multirole rifle boasts a smartmatter frame, the key to remarkable capabilities.
More Arthurian legend! Sir Galahad is the illegitimate son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic, ironically renowned for his purity and gallantry. He appeared quite late in the Medieval Arthurian legends, but became much more common in the later narratives, like Le Morte d'Arthur. Ultimately, he is considered to be the only night of Arthur's table worthy to see the Holy Grail and ascend to Heaven.
Shingen-E: The exemplary Shingen-E is built to pop skulls.
One of my old favorites (still sad I sharded it, though :( alas for small vaults), it likely references another 16th century feudal Japanese lord, Takeda Shingen–Japanese, 武田 信玄. A commander of "exceptional military prestige" during the Sengoku period, his alleged death by sniper was depicted by Kurosawa in the movie Kagemusha. It will be the 444th anniversary of his death on May 13th!
Longespée-A: When all around you is chaos, the dependable Longespée-A won't fail you.
A reference to William Longespée (literally, 'long sword' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), 3rd Earl of Salisbury. Renowned for being friggin' huge and having a friggin' huge sword. Go figure. He died in 1226, and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral. Five hundred and fifty years later, his tomb was opened, and a well-preserved rat was found inside his skull. I guess you could say it was skulking around? He got ratted out, though!
SUROS TYR-14: Stable. Dependable. Rapid-fire. SUROS.
Reminding me of how much I hate Suros' flavor text style, I'm not 100% sure about this one, because most of the 'cheap' Suros weapons have three-letter acronyms at the end of their name, so this might be coincidence. But, Týr is an ancient Germanic/Norse god, either the son of Odin, by the Prose Edda, or Hymar, by the Poetic Edda. Associated with war and might. Had his hand bit off by Fenrir, and is therefore known also known as 'The Leavings of the Wolf' which is an honorific, rather than a dig at him. His name is also where we get 'Tuesday' (Týr's-day)!
Cydonia-AR3: The City can't rely on a steady supply of programmable matter, so the multirole AR3 uses it only sparingly.
A region of Mars, but also a surname of Athena. That region of Mars was also where we found 'the Face of Mars', a rock formation whose shadows made it look like a face. Pretty neat.

Pulse Rifles

Herja-D: Devastate your foes with the deadly precision of the Häkke Herja-D.
More from the Prose Edda! This is a Valkyrie (demigoddesses of war, they would ride into battles and pick the worthy dead to come with them to Valhalla) specifically named in one of the two Nafnaþulur lists. Etymologically, it is also related to the Old Norse herja and Old High German herjón, both of which mean 'destruction' or 'devastation'.
Apple of Discord: "For the Fairest."
Huge shout-out to G3vanB, I'll put their analysis here:
Eris, godess of strife, supposedly throws one:
An apple of discord is a reference to the Golden Apple of Discord (Greek: μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος) which, according to Greek mythology, the goddess Eris (Gr. Ἔρις, "Strife") tossed in the midst of the feast of the gods at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis as a prize of beauty, thus sparking a vanity-fueled dispute among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite that eventually led to the Trojan War.
The Apple was inscribed with ΤΗΙ ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΗΙ The translation is the Gun's flavour text.
Interesting to note the Goddess of Strife's name ...
Hawksaw: A northwesterly wind is blowing.
Perhaps one of the more well-known references to our dear Bard, this is from Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, Line 351:
HAMLET I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. 
We're all mad, mad I tell you! Thanks to pocsaclypse for pointing that one out!
Parthian Shot: Who's got the last laugh now?
A military tactic turned literary term, a Parthian shot is an insult or retort delivered as the speaker was leaving. It eventually evolved into the much more well-known 'parting shot' in a delightful little bit of linguistic movement. It comes from a strategy developed by the Parthians, ancient Iranian peoples, where they would ride their horses away from the enemy while firing their bows at said enemy. Of course, it was also before the development of stirrups, so this was a technique that required a truly sublime mastery of equestrian skill. Imagine shooting a bow, while riding a horse, that you're only controlling with the muscles in your legs. Insane.
Smite of Merain (Adept): Barrel etching: "He parted them like a sea, which closed upon him again."
It's not exact, but any references to any parting of any seas are of course biblical in nature–Exodus, 14:21-15:19. Just taking the most similar quote I can find:
26 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea, so that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and chari- ot drivers."
14:26, NRSV. As usual, that particular act of God is followed with a great deal of praise.
The Messenger: From deep within the shadows it came—a messenger borne on black wings.
The personification of death often includes a pair of black wings. Crows and Ravens (and many other members of the Corvus family), often thought of as battlefield scavengers, are black. This feels like it should be a specific reference, but honestly it's more a trope than anything.
Hopscotch Pilgrim: It's a long road. Enjoy it.
In a seriously impressive bit of detective work, JohnnyFlack found that this is actually referencing:
Oh oh i found this while reading about the origins of hopscotch...
"In Cuba and in Puerto Rico it is called "La Peregrina" (meaning "Pilgrim Girl") and the squares represent the 9 rings the pilgrim traveler has to pass in order to reach Heaven from Purgatory according to Dante's Inferno."
Here's the Wikipedia article!
Moriaen-D: You are a child of many peoples, a protector of all cultures.
More Arthurian literature. This is a 13th century romance, called Moriaen, whose story of the titular hero follows him as he first attempts to find his father, and meets with famous knights of the round table, like Lancelot and Gawain. Once his father Aglovale is found, they return to his mother and take back her rightful lands. He is Moorish after his mother, but obviously is also a part of the Arthurian tradition. Thus the 'child of many cultures'.
Lump Distribution: This nimble rifle's on-board tactical systems keep a scrupulous tally of combat stats.
Besides looking totally neat, the gun refers to a Lump-Sum Distribution, which is, "... the distribution or payment within a single tax year of a plan participant's entire balance from all of the employer's qualified plans of one kind (for example, pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plans)." Thanks for that, IRS.
Painted Apollo MSc: A highly accurate Nadir firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
Our first Nadir gun! Apollo is the Greek god of, among other things, music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge. Wicked important, very well known. Has a sister, Artemis.
Painted Neptune MSc: A high velocity Nadir firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
I'm sensing a naming trend, though perhaps not a consistent! Neptune is the Roman god of the sea and freshwater, and is the counterpart to the Greek Poseidon.
Hotspur-A: Piezopolymer paneling makes the Häkke Hotspur-A a balanced war machine.
Hey! This is interesting. The green Häkke weapons are named after English noblemen! This one is after Henry 'Hotspur' Percy. Led a bunch of rebellions against Henry IV and was eventually killed at the Battle of Shrewsbury by an arrow to the face. Get rekt kiddo. He also featured as a character in Shakespeare's Henry IV, part I.

Scout Rifles

Fate of All Fools: *"The wise man knows his fate. The fool merely finds it."
I orignally thought this was a reference to Matthew, but turns out it's not–check out the story below!
A really excellent explanation of this from Voroxpete, which makes much more sense:
The Fate of All Fools - This one is actually a reference to a videogame... Specifically, Marathon, the series that Bungie created back in 1994, and from which many, many elements of both Halo and Destiny are derived. Rather apropo, given that the weapon was originally gifted to a long time fan who was recovering from brain cancer.
The specific reference is to this scene from Marathon 2:
Tycho's ship has been destroyed. The crater where it annihilated itself on Lh'owon's inner moon is still glowing. There were no survivors. With a focused message laser I burned his epitaph into the surface near the crash site, in letters three hundred meters high: "Fatum Iustum Stultorum."
The speaker in that scene is Durandal, an incredibly powerful rampant AI (wow, gee, its almost like Bungie have some kind of fixation on powerful rogue AIs or something). Tycho is another very powerful AI, acting under the control of an alien empire and sent to destroy or capture Durandal.
The phrase in latin at the end is a little bit wonky (hiring experts to get your dead languages right wasn't exactly a thing in nineties video game design), but it's more or less agreed that the intended translation is something like "The just fate of the foolish"...
Or "The fate of all fools."
Cocytus SR4: The Omolon Cocytus SR4 will drown your enemy in a river of pain.
Thanks to scapulargolem for this:
The 'Cocytus' is referencing the black river surrounding Dis/Hades (The underworld) in Classical mythology. It's mentioned many times in Virgil's Aeneid book 6. It's flavour text reflects this.
Incidentally, in some versions of the tale, the Cocytus Styx was supposedly the river Achilles was submerged in to make him invulnerable. He was held by his ankle, thus making his ankle his only weak spot–his Achilles heel (thanks to thyrandomninja for that clarification!).
And some additional context from Owasippe_Ninja! Thanks!
Awesome. Also, in Dante's Inferno, Cocytus is the frozen lake of the Ninth circle of hell, encasing not only Lucifer himself, but those who betray a bond of trust with others like benefactors, countrymen, and family. The ice is formed by the tears of the Old Man of Crete, which are described as being frozen sorrow and pain, and the frozen winds blown up by the wings of Lucifer. The worst betrayers (who aren't being devoured in the three heads of Lucifer) are fully encased in the ice in a the region called Judecca, named supposedly for Judas Iscariot (although there's more to Judecca than just Judas, check out its use in medieval city planning and general attitudes of Italian Christians of the time to Jews). So seems to fit the flavor text of "drowning enemies in a river of pain."
Additional small bit from another stealthy person, thyrandomninja:
is not just a reference to a literal river, but the Cocytus is also the river of lamentation, or mournful woe. It not only drowns the enemy in front of you by shooting them, but their friends and family are drowned in mourning as well.
Tuonela SR4: Hell will freeze over before the Omolon Tuonela SR4 will fail you.
Ahahah funny joke, Bungo. In Finnish mythology, Tuonela is the equivalent of Hades. In Finnish Christianity, it is the word used for 'Hell' in translations of the Bible. In terms of a literary reference, though, Tuonela is featured in the Kalevela, a Finnish national epic. The protagonist (roughly speaking), Väinämöinen, travels there to seek the knowledge of the dead. It, uhh, went okay.
The Hero Formula: It's just so satisfying!
Okay, this is referencing one of two things: either Heron's formula, alternately spelled Hero's formula; or the Hero's journey, which, frankly, makes slightly more sense? The first is a mathematical formula that gives the area of a triangle by requiring no arbitrary choice of side as base or vertex as origin, where A=√(s-(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)). It's satisfying, I guess? Math isn't really my thing. The second refers to the 'monomyth' or the "common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed". The idea was originally put forward by Jason Joseph Campbell in his 1949 book on the subject, The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
Lethe Noblesse: Do not forget. Never forgive.
Many thanks to Johnny_Dirtbird for this one:
Good job. One other that I had in mind is the Queen's scout rifle, Lethe Noblesse. The flavor text is "Do not forget. Never forgive." From - Lethe is "a river in Hades whose water caused forgetfulness of the past in those who drank of it." Noblesse is a French word that means nobility. I know it from the phrase 'Noblesse Oblige' - nobility obligates. Putting the words together, my guess would be something like 'forgetfulness of nobility.'
High Road Soldier: The survival of civilization depends on our willingness to choose conscience over expedience.
Per S0rrowS0ng and JohnnyFlack, this is likely a reference to the common idiom (I mean, it bascially defines the concept in the flavor text) 'take the high road'. It could also be a winking reference to the chorus 'The Bonnie Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond':
O ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road, And I'll be in Scottland a'fore ye, But me and my true love will never meet again, On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond. 
Zero Point LOTP: This much fun should be outlawed.
thyrandomninja has a great and funny explanation:
I'll do what I can to explain. Every object has "energy levels", whether it be an electron, a molecule, a snooker ball, or a planet. The DIFFERENCE between these energy levels is imperceptible to us because we exist on the macroscopic scale (i.e. we're too big to see tiny differences), so to us it looks continuous. On the microscopic level (e.g. electrons, these energy levels are relatively larger, and much more noticeable, which is what ultimately leads to all the "weird shit" in quantum mechanics, that doesn't show up in real life scenarios). Energy states are usually categorised as n=1, n=2, etc, where n is the number of that energy level. (Electrons NATURALLY tend to operate in n=1 through ~20 [give or take whatever - CERN like to add a few thousand/million/whatever n's in their accelerators :P ] territory, whereas a person is always on n = several fucking million) Zero Point Energy is the energy of an object at n=1. There is no n=0 (for reasons i won't get into here), and therefore no such thing as "having no energy". There is always SOME amount of energy in any given object, and you cannot get rid of it (that "some amount" is negligible compared to things we see in our lives, but that's not the point).
Relating to Life Of The Party, this is probably saying there's no such thing as a dead party. There is always SOME fun to be had, no matter what - the very idea a "life of the party" person would embody.
Alternatively, it could be a jab at the "life of the party" philosophy, by saying that "yeah, there's some fun, but it's negligible, and i'm going to go home", meaning the description takes on a more sarcastic approach.
The Scholar: You can't pull an all-nighter when the sun never sets.
Not really 'literature', but too relevant not to include ;)
Also, per goldenboot76:
Everyone probably knows this already, but the other reasoning behind the Scholar scout rifle's flavour text is the fact that Mercury's orbital period and rotational period are one and the same. As such, half of Mercury is in eternal sunlight, and the other is in eternal darkness.
Hence, the "You can't pull an all-nighter when the sun never sets.".
Thanks for that!
Lampad SR4: Let your enemies know: death will be their only companion.
The Lampads, or Lampedes, were spirits of the underworld in greek mythology. They accompanied Hecate and generally went around doing spooky stuff.
Orphne SR4: If death is the Darkness's way, let our Light defy their desire.
Orphne was a specific nymph of the Greek underworld. Also an alternate translation of Caliga, the goddess of Darkness.
Painted Abbadon SR5: A single-fire Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
Sharing its name with the exotic machine gun, Abbadon is either a "place of destruction" or an Angel of Death. Either way, not pleasant.
Just a quick clarification from westen81, thanks!
Abbadon is most usually associated with the angel of destruction (not necessarily death)..
Painted Sorg SR5: A powerful Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
In a large number of Germanic and Germanic-derived languages, 'sorg' means 'sorrow' or 'grieving'.
Primed Díyú SR5: A long range Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
Following a clear pattern here, 'Diyu' is the Chinese conception of Hell.
Silvered Kín SR5: A highly accurate Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
A Turkic word, it means, simply, 'pain'.
Bronzed Yamaduta SR5: An accurized Omolon Scout Rifle, earned through glory in the Crucible.
The Yamatuda are messengers of Death in the Hindu tradition.
Thanatos SR5: Where Death follows, new life will grow. Where new life grows... Death will follow.
Thanatos is the Greek personification of Death. He is the twin brother of Hypnos, the God of Sleep. Referenced in the Illiad:
... then send Death to carry him away, and Sleep who is painless ... 
The Iliad, 16.453-4. Richard Lattimore, translator.
Xibalba SR5: Tiled with picocircuitry, the Xibalba SR5 is fiendishly accurate and hungry to grow.
How many different conceptions of Hell can we find? This particular one refers to the Mayan realm of the dead. It shares its flavor text with the Acheron SR5. The Acheron is both a real river in Greece, but also another one of the five rivers of Hades. The Cocytus (discussed above) flows into it.
Naraka SR5: There will always be new hells to conquer.
hahah, no kidding about those 'new hells'. This specific hell is a particularly diverse amalgamate, finding its place in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. Modified to 'Neraka' in Indonesian and Malaysian, it also describes the Islamic concept of hell. Moreover, it also describes the servants and spirits of Hell when modified to 'Narakas'.
Garmr SR1: Death is hungry.
Garmr is a dog (or wolf) of the Underworld in Norse mythology. He is, "the blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate".
Shinigami SR1: Death comes for the City's foes. Let's not keep it waiting.
Shinigami–Japanese, 死神–are spirits or gods of death. They invite humans to death, and rule over the underworld. Fans of the anime Death Note will also remember their appearance in that series.

Hand Cannons

The Last Word: "Yours. Not mine." —Renegade Hunter Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor
Many thanks to andreisse for this one!
I know it's based on a gun, and a speech... I'll try and find it.
The Last Word is likely based on a real-life counterpart called Revolver No. 5. It was a weapon devised in 1928 by Elmer Keith, a "firearms enthusiast" from Idaho renowned for his six-shot expertise. He wrote about this weapon in 1929, in an article titled "The Last Word".
Here's a link to a .pdf of the article.
Gaheris-D: Balanced and dependable, the Häkke Gaheris-D is a true warrior's weapon.
More Arthurian legends! Gaheris was the nephew of Arthur, and a knight of the round table. He is described as "... valiant, agile, handsome, reticent in speech, prone to excess when angered, and possessing a right arm longer than the left".
Judith-D: Headshots are strongly encouraged with the Häkke Judith-D.
So, there are a lot of things this could be, but most likely it is referencing Judith of Bethulia, an Israelite who beheaded the Assyrian general Holofernes. Headshots strongly encouraged, indeed! Incidentally, that poem is found in the same manuscript as Beowulf–the Nowell Codex.
Kumakatok HC4: When the Omolon Kumakatok HC4 comes knocking, even the Darkness locks its doors.
The kumakatok are three Philippine spirits, who walk from door to door, knocking and bringing bad omens. One is supposed to resemble a young woman, the other two old men–however, they obscure their faces with hoods. Seriously creepy.
The Devil You Know: Let's make a deal ...
A reference to the phrase, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't", this is the only weapon I know of that actually completes the phrase in game. The Devil You Don't was widely acknowledged to be simply a worse version of TDYK, not only being an impact class lower, but also with worse base range. That's commitment to the joke right there.
Uffern HC4: Omolon's Uffern HC4 sentences the City's enemies to burn.
In what should be a surprise to nobody at this point, Uffern is the Celtic version of Hell. Unfortunately I can't source it beyond a three-word mention in the Wikipedia article on Hell.
A very helpful clarification by Rapstah–much appreciated!
"Uffern" is literally Welsh for "hell". "U" is a near-close central unrounded vowel, or even a short "i" sound in southern Welsh. The sound "f" is represented as "ff" in Welsh, so if you represent it as "yfern" it's clear that it's derived from Latin "infernus".
I wouldn't say it's the Celtic version of Hell, it's literally just what you would call the christian concept of Hell in Welsh.
Byronic Hero: Brood, baby, brood.
A type of anti-hero created and embodied by Lord Byron. Byronic Heroes are: "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection". Think Hamlet, with a touch of Han Solo.
Also possibly another more modern reference, per getedm8–thanks!
This may be a stretch, but with the Byronic Hero's flavor text, it could be a reference to Saturday Night Fever. More specifically, the song "Disco Inferno" where the main chorus sings "Burn, baby burn!"
Vortimer-D: Where you come from is not important. It's for what you do that you will be remembered.
Vortimer, or Saint Vortimer, was another English legend. He can be found in Geoffry of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britainniae–my copy of which I've misplaced, apologies–where he is a described as a Britonic king with a strong distaste for Saxons. Worked out well, he died though.
Rience-D: You will not suffer these invader kings to live.
Hey, wait, are you telling me Häkke named another one of their guns after an English legend?! Yes, yes I am: Rience was an English/Irish/Scottish/British king named in Arthurian legend. He is variously described as the king of North Wales, Ireland, and 'many Isles'. He had the habit of edging his robe with the beards of Kings he had conquered–by the time Arthur came along, he had eleven. Arthur's, of course, was to be the twelfth invader king that he would crush. Didn't work out so well. Gosh, I really hope that's not a predictor.
LOCK_ARETE: Her excellence lies in swiftness.
A confusing one, because arete-Greek, ἀρετή–is literally 'excellence', especially in regards to efficacy, but also in terms of bravery. Arete is also the wife of Alcinous of Scheria, described thus in the Odyssey:
... Alkínoös married her and hold her dear. No lady in the world, no other mistress of a man's household, is honored as our mistress is, and loved, by her own children, by Alkínoös, and by the people. When she walks the town they murmur and gaze, as though she were a goddess. No grace or wisdom fails in her; indeed just men quarrels come to her for equity ... 
The Odyssey, 7.70-8. Robert Fitzgerald, translator.
It wasn't originally my plan for these to go in descending order of references, but hey, that worked out nicely!
As I said in the beginning, I'm sure I've missed some, so don't hesitate to point them out.
Thanks so much for reading, Guardians, I really appreciate it!
submitted by XKCD_423 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

User "Casino" game analysis using Monte Carlo simulation

tl;dr: you're going to lose in the long run, and the long run doesn't take too long at all.
Instead of doing life skills (in game and IRL) I ran some Monte Carlo simulations (code) of the user home "casino" games that are advertised in world chat.
How the game is played:
Trade onyx bet to host, host creates 4 random groups of players using the /randomgroup [number] command. If you're in a group under the host, you win 2x your bet! If you're in the same group or above, you lose 100% of your bet.
I simulated players betting 150 times, 1/5 bankroll (Kelly citerion) and a starting bankroll of 10K Onyx.
40 player's bankrolls (each on a line of a different color)
After I did the simulations I found beserker10 made a good post about the casino odds, check it out! The 40% oods are laid out there and I hope the plot makes it clear that those odds are a losing proposition.
Be safe out there! ~ RiskWizard
submitted by UpstairsTeacher to MapleStory2 [link] [comments]

I got completely wasted and ended up with seeing the Star Wars movie and mild alcohol poisoning

Could only get a midnight showing, and I hit the bar again afterward. Still kind of woozy, but I'm ready to rant about it and spoil nearly every shot, like I spoiled those shots of single-barrel rum at the Continental.
Opening crawl shows up. Yeah, make sure you capitalize "RESISTANCE" and "FIRST ORDER" just in case people only look up from their phones long enough to read two words. These are definitely the two words we want them to see.
First Order ships start appearing on the screen without the Star Wars 'lightspeed shimmer'. Huh, I think, just like in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. That's odd.
Within seconds of this the baddie is introducing a super star destroyer - but not a super-star-destroyer, because they have those already - expositively even as it enters the shot. Looks just like one, though, but I guess Dreadnaught sounds scarier. Also, people saw a pirate movie this year.
So he's yelling about the Dreadnaught and saying the Dreadnaught will destroy the rebels in one swift swoop with its cannons, because this is a very appropriate time to remind your subordinates why you built the thing in the first place. You don't want them thinking it's just there to cheer the rest of the fleet on or anything. Leia's commanding the rebel fleet which is about to make an escape but the fleet just stands there. Why can't they just start escaping? Why do they have to all escape together? And soon she starts yelling about the Dreadnaught and then Po Dameron is heading toward the Dreadnaught ohmagah I guess we gotta destroy the Dreadnaught!
Po's just paving the way for bombers. Bombers. Ships that are going to hover about 300 yards off the Dreadnaught's dorsal area and release on the order of hundreds each of little round bombs which will fall onto the Dreadnaught and destroy it. In space.
Maybe there's some reason these explosives can't be fired like projectiles from relative safety? Maybe they- holy shit the payload from just one of the bombers blew up the whole fucking thing.
That's neat, why didn't they do that in the first place?
Was the bombing run a suicide mission from the beginning? Because they were like right on top of it when it blew. Four or five of them were also destroyed right on top of it. How can a ship carrying hundreds of super powerful explosives go up in a fiery blast and none of the bombs detonate? Why didn't they just fly one of the bombers into the ship, why release it with a door? What if the bombs just floated around inside the bomber since there is no other force acting on them and now no atmosphere? Why are they only manned by two people, and why is the bay door operated by a garage remote and why is Rose's sister not sucked out into space? Whyyyy
The Dreadnaught's gone! We're seven minutes into the moooviiiie
Noo, says Snoke, you let them get away! Then baddie tells him it's k because they're tracking them through lightspeed, something every character in the movie is surprised to hear is even possible. Snokes then says excellent, good job, soz for yelling at you, completely forgetting or possibly having never known about this super secret advanced technology he'd just had installed on his flagship. Who signed for it?
Snuke then stops chewing out Baddie and starts in on Kyle Ren because he's got a lot of raw emotion and he's got to take it out on somebody. Ren, now with three more buttholes than he had before goes out in a fighter to prove he's not a mama's boy by killing his mama. He can't pull the trigger, but that's okay, because the squadron of ships right behind him that he forgot about doesn't hesitate. Leia is sucked out into the vacuum of space in the first instance in the history of fucking Star Wars that someone has been exposed to space and reacted to a pressure differential instead of just fucking standing there. Leia floats herself back, though, to another part of the ship also exposed to space where people unaffected by the lack of atmosphere she was just affected by are gathered waiting for her and cheering. She got a bit frozen, though, so is sent over to sick bay.
But not, apparently, in the medical ship, because that's the first ship to blow up when the First Order catches up to them.
Laura Dern's in charge now. I think, that's odd, the style of her hair and her makeup makes her look kind of like Mary McDonnell as President Roslin from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. Also her lines and their delivery and her position within this crew.
An argument between her and Po explains the situation to us. The resistance ships can't outrun the First Order's fleet, but can maintain a distance where their shields can't be penetrated by the big guns, at least until they run out of fuel, which Po is very worried about. When they come out of hyperspace temporarily - we never know why they stopped there - instead of jumping to lightspeed again, they are stuck for a bit and have to scramble fighters. This keeps happening every 30 mins, a character tells us.
Huh, I think, just like in the pilot to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, titled "33", where every 33 minutes the Cylon ships, who are mysteriously tracking them through faster-than-light jumps, find them and fighters have to be scrambled before the fleet can spool up again.
Now we're at Luke's island retreat where Rey's attempts to get Luke to return to the resistance are continually frustrated. Luke's improper training gave rise to Kylo Ren and got the rest of his students killed, and now he's too overcome with guilt to clean up the mess he himself made. He's much more interested in pole-vaulting around some rocks and sucking blue milk straight from a sea monster's teat. I'm not sure teat's are supposed to be that low on the body, though, so it might be something else. He lives with porgs and frog nuns.
So many pwaargs.
Rey and Kyle Ren experience moments of projection where they can communicate with each other over great distances. Neither knows how this is possible, and neither bothers to guess someone else might be involved, or listening, even though the force is basically the internet.
Meanwhile there is a Casino planet called Canto Blight, though it's about a fraction the size of Monte Carlo, where Finn and Rose have illegally traveled to find a codebreaker Maz Canada off-handedly told them can get them onto the main star destroyer so they can try and reprogram the device that's tracking them. This is where it becomes obvious (in this movie anyway, it happened plenty of times in TFA), that speed, distance, and relative position have no bearing in the Star Wars universe. How can you leave a convoy constantly jumping away from Baddie always a hair's breadth away from being overtaken, leave this at an equal or lesser speed because you're in a tiny shuttle and get to a core planet far removed from the hostilities, and back again, before that convoy is overtaken? Answer: you fucking can't.
Nothing of interest happens on the Casino planet. They mingle with rich people, they're captured, pick up a shady codebreaker Maz never recommended them, and then we meet our second furry creature, the Fantheir (Fatheir?), rabbit catdog steeds with Disney eyes who evolved to look sad and enslaved whether or not they're just standing around grazing. Rose frees one and calls it a victory as they start an epic fight to escape.
I leave the theater at this point to relieve myself of 3 pints, a double-up and a paloma, figuring I won't miss much other than some CGI sequences involving really big rabbits and maybe a poop joke. Prove me wrong.
I'm back and we're at Luke's island again. Luke's broken down into teaching her but hasn't been particularly helpful. He's more interested in teaching her about the force to show why it's unnatural and dangerous that people can use it the way they do, rather than any useful fighting skills. The island is located above a tentacled (or is that seaweed?) pit of dark energy. Did Luke know it was there when he chose this island as a hideaway? Maybe it brought the property value down.
The dark pit tempts Rey, but not toward any evil end, just to peer inside it. Luke is furious she would even have a look. Why? No fucking idea. It's the guilt trauma yadda yadda, but it's clearly an overreaction. You know who else is overcome with guilt? Chewbacca, who has murdered a Porg whose relatives stare him down as he tries to eat it. YOU NO EAT DISNEY
I don't buy for a minute that the porgs are just here to replace puffins who got in the shot. Someone made the creative decision to make them round and furry and give them Disney eyes. Someone wrote them onto the Falcon long after they stopped shooting in Ireland, someone in editing used porg footage over and over and over when they could have just been birds in the background, never featured by the camera or befriended by the characters.
Let me just say I liked Luke's character here. He was written some awful wooden dialogue, but his character's appropriate. Having heard lots of people groaning over the humor, I was expecting a barrage of dad jokes. There's nothing like that; it's just a thin veneer of snark. The only actual joke with a punchline he delivers is great, about force training. He's a cynical old former master who's on the verge of cabin fever - just like Yoda was when he found him. He even calls a lightsaber a "lasersword" derisively. Luke isn't here to be Luke, he's here to be Yoda. He fulfills everything Yoda fulfills in Empire - repeating some of the same lines, doing the same kooky shit, and getting an evaporating death. It's completely justified that he'd want to stop training jedi - but that's completely reversed by the third act when Snoke explains that jedi literally pop into existence to balance out an excess of evil in the world, which he and Kylo are. Who needs continuity anyway? Those scenes are like, 28 full minutes apart! Fans don't remember that far back. They can barely remember whether they had the Chimay or the Warsteiner.
So now the characters start to converge onto the same location finally. Rose/Finn are back from their honeymoon and board the star destroyer. Luke catches Rey holding hands with Kyle Ren's astral projection and blows up at her instead of explaining safe sex. Rey, somewhat logically, concludes if she's wasting her time with Luke, she might as well go try to turn Kylo, and Luke lets her go. That sure was a thrilling conclusion to the entire point behind The Force Awakens, real helpful Luke! Why does Baddie still want to find Skywalker after all this? He's no threat unless you've got blue milk in your quad-undertits.
Another porgasm.
Po has relieved Laura Dern of command at gunpoint with a mutiny. And I think, that's funny, just like the Adamas and President Roslin are constantly doing to each other for similar fight-or-flight reasons in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica.
Finn and Rose are betrayed by the shady codebreaker they broke out of prison with. WHAT A SURPRISE. It's a good thing their entire plan didn't hinge on that, or anything. Captain Phasma is on board this ship. Another surprise! It's not like Star Wars characters are everywhere you need them to be, is it?
Kylo Ren brings Rey before Snuke, who delights in being an asshole for about ten minutes before getting to the point that he'll suck Luke's location out of her mind and then go kill everybody. Snukes tells her she was predicted by the dark training of Kylo Ren, because whenever someone is really powerful on one side of the force, someone really powerful on the opposite always crops up, too. Like Neo and Agent Smith.
Exactly like Neo and Agent Smith. Because Star Wars is so original. With a soundtrack so original only three segments out of the 77 min score sound like they belong in the same movie together.
So Luke didn't know this? If he did, why would he mistrust Rey instead of anticipate her? If he did, why would he think it was even possible for the jedi to die with him knowing an excess of dark side users existed somewhere in the universe? Wow, Luke didn't know shit about the Force!
Leia finally regains consciousness and force pwns Po retaking command of the ship. Laura Dern and Leia finally explain to Po what their plan was. Laura Dern tells everyone to hang in there and how few of them are left, there's only 15 or so transports and they're counting the survivors instead of the dead. I think, that's funny, that's exactly what President Roslin does in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica.
The plan was to fuel transport ships and sneak undetected onto an abandoned base nearby while the empty cruiser, the only ship left, lures them away and is eventually destroyed without any questions asked. Why didn't they tell Po in the first place? Why didn't they tell him after he pointed a gun at Laura Dern? Why didn't they mention it at any point on the trip to the hanger in custody? Why didn't they tell the other ships in their convoy before they all sacrificed themselves one by one for no fucking reason? It's Star Wars!
Kyle Ren kills Snoke. It's advertised so far in advance this should surprise nobody. Then he and Rey team up to fight the power rangers Snukes had worshipping him. After that Kylo, still evil of course, asks Rey to join him while they let everyone connected to past power structures die. This means the transport convoy, which the codebreaker told Baddie about, having briefly overhead Po telling Finn a super secret plan on the least secure intercom in the fucking universe while Finn was infiltrating an enemy vessel. Po is a smart cookie.
Of the 15 or so transports, dozens and dozens get picked off as Rey watches on a little monitor trying to plead with Kyle to not be bad anymore. They fight over Luke's lightsaber and break it in half, letting Rey escape in Snuke's personal shuttle and Kylo unconscious in front of the dead Sith.
So hundreds of transports have been destroyed now and Laura Dern has voluntered to stay behind and pilot the cruiser because she's not as important as a droid (you wouldn't want to send C-3PO on a suicide mission where he literally just has to stand there and hit a button, after all, he's a WAR HERO). Laura Dern watches thousands of transports get popped out of existence before she can't take the carnage anymore and turns the cruiser to face the First Order fleet. She then sends it into hyperdrive along a strategic path to cut through most of their ships, including the flagship, sacrificing herself.
Oh, that's neat. Why didn't they do that in the first place?
Seriously, there have been so many suicide missions in this movie, why didn't anyone of those doomed people at any point get the idea to do this? Even a small ship should be able to do a lot of damage. They could use droids! For that matter, why wasn't this the plan for the cruiser from the beginning?
The remnants of the thousands of 15 transports finally land on the planet and hold up in Helm's Deep. Helm's Deep only has one way in and one way out, except when it doesn't. Helm's Deep is protected by an enormous blast shield they don't believe the Urukhai can easily get through.
Then the First Order led by Kylo Ren arrive and set up a siege machine that can easily get through the shielding. It's not like Finn could have told them about this or they could have asked him, a former stormtrooper and all. Except he totally knew. For that matter, how much classified info does the average stormtrooper fucking have, anyway? It's like everybody knows everything. Stormtroopers are basically Borg drones.
The only ships left are some really shitty-looking speeders, and they are scrambled to make a final run at the battering-ram-cannon, led by Po. Finn is now piloting one, Finn who has never been shown piloting anything, Finn who couldn't even pilot an imperial shuttle to escape and needed Po for this in the last movie. But whatever, now he's a pilot! Fuck it!
And now bring us the ice foxes, made of shards of ice! Which we later find is salt, so I guess they're made of enormous crystalline salt appendages. We needed more cute animals in this film! Look how they frolic in the- fuck it this isn't working back to the porgs, stat! More porgs are shown in the very next shot.
And the next three after that.
So Chewbacca shows up in the Falcon covered in Porg feces, having dropped Rey off at a completely inconvenient part of the base on the other side of a mountain for no reason. So glad Han's dead, now we get to keep cutting back to Chewy without an interpreter. He's never been subtitled or translated, merely responded to, so we'll never have any idea what he's saying or thinking ever again. Maybe he'll train a porg to talk for him, like Mr. Cotton.
Almost all the speeder-ships are destroyed. Finn is about to make a suicide run into the cannon to buy them crucial time to get their message out with the giant transmitter in the base. This would be a pretty great end for Finn, who hasn't done much yet and isn't much of a character, and had a bout of cowardice in the beginning of the film. But no! Rose, who is also a pilot now, crashes her ship into his at the last moment and delivers the dumbest dialogue in the entire fucking franchise since Meesa Pupu.
We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!
Holy shit. So she's just condemned all her friends to death. Which isn't many. There are 18 people left alive back at Helm's Deep. They're all sitting around a terminal waiting for responses to their distress call. They wait about 5 seconds before bemoaning the fact that nobody is coming to help 18 people fight off the First Order military machine. But what we really need here is some more porgs. Here's some!
Let's think about this. It took them the whole movie just to make it to this planet, but their message, which they specifically point out is intended for their "allies scattered throughout the Outer Rim" of the galaxy, are supposed to receive it, ready themselves, and show up to help billions of miles away, within a few fucking minutes? WHAT?
The shield is blasted through. Much porg.
Luke shows up and comforts Leia. Nobody seems particularly excited to see him, even though they were looking for him during the entirety of the last movie. Luke wanders out onto the salt field and stands there. The other rebels wonder aloud whether
Shouldn't we go help him?
Shhh, shhh, he's Dumbledoring it, shhhh.
Kylo Ren is enraged and trains every weapon on him for a solid minute. They're confident they've killed Luke.
But Luke's still there, taunting him. He's obviously a force ghost, since this entire movie was about jedi projecting themselves into places they aren't really at, and since nothing can survive the barrage that just happened - unless you're a mound of salt, which is completely untouched and uncratered. There's more salt there than in this review.
Kyle Ren doesn't even consider this, and goes out to meet him, frustrated that his lightsaber is ineffective. Luke explains he's just there to fuck with him so he looks bad in front of everybody and his friends escape out the back (hole that Rey made that he didn't know about?) and maybe to inspire another generation of resistance fighters, now that they're all fucking dead. Ren is furious, Rey leads them to the Falcon, and the real Luke evaporates in a guru pose back on Blue Milk Lagoon.
The film concludes with a montage of child slaves we briefly met on the casino planet spreading stories about Luke and turning him into a legend - even though he's already a legend, and they were already doing this before his sacrifice based on how they reacted to Rose. But more rabbit-horses!
They're so cute and unlifelike!
submitted by YuunofYork to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

Skipper from Madagascar

Skipper is the leader of the adélie penguins (despite their color-schemes not matching the real species) and is the main character in the TV show. He has dark, sapphire)-blue eyes and his body is wider than those of the other three penguins. Like the rest of the penguins, he has no idea what is expected of the penguin species, other than to "smile and wave." At one point, Private used a bird biology book to tell the other penguins how to act, but since the penguins usually need the chimpanzees Phil and Mason to translate for them, it was unclear how either he or Private were able to read the biology book, which is presumably written in English. His sidekicks, Kowalski, Rico, and Private don't talk much until The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper.
In the first Madagascar movie, Skipper is the mastermind behind a plot to escape the confines of the zoo and leave for Antarctica. Kowalski, Rico, and Private are his accomplices in this plot. They dig under their enclosure until they reach Marty the zebra, thinking it to be the South Pole. Skipper explains to Marty that they are attempting to escape the zoo because penguins do not belong there in captivity. He then orders his accomplices to continue tunneling. Late that night, Skipper and the other penguins are caught by a SWAT team, as are six other animals found outside the zoo. The penguins are tranquilized and put into a crate to be transferred.
When they awake, Skipper is confused at the lettering on the crate where they are being held and orders Mason to read it; Mason's companion Phil reads it. According to the box, they are all bound for a wildlife preserve in Africa, despite the cold climate penguins need. Skipper orders Rico to pick the lock on the crate where they are held, whereupon the four penguins knock out the crew and take command of the ship, commandeering it to reach Antarctica. Skipper and his mates finally reach Antarctica and are sorely disappointed by the barren, desolate terrain (as evidenced by Private's exclamation, "Well, this sucks...") Skipper has the ship return quickly from the South Pole, where it crashes into the beaches of Madagascar and a much warmer climate. Upon arriving, he and the other three encounter Gloria and Melman, and see that Alex and Marty (whom they refer to as their "monochromatic friend") are gone. Skipper decides to help rescue Marty from the grim fate of being eaten by the native foossa (possibly as gratitude for Marty’s silence regarding the escape). It is Skipper who helps to distract the foossa while Marty is recovered, and also helps fight off a number of them.
Skipper notices later on that Alex is still hungry, not having been able to eat steak, and has Rico prepare sushi for Alex. Skipper then relinquishes control of the ship to Alex, as he no longer needs it, and proceeds to sunbathe on the tropical beaches in comfort. Skipper is asked by Private if they should tell Alex and his friends that the ship is out of gas. Skipper declines, telling his troupe to "Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave."
In Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Skipper and the penguins salvage a crashed airplane to fly back to New York. They fix the plane when it crashes in Africa with the help of "more thumbs" (Mason and Phil). At the end of the movie, he marries a bobblehead doll. In The Penguins of Madagascar, the bobblehead is nowhere to be seen.
In Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted, it is revealed that Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private, along with Mason and Phil, have been in Monte Carlo. With Phil dressed as the "King of Versailles," they are able to amass a fortune of jewels, diamonds and gold and plan to buy an aircraft to pick up the "hippies" (Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman) in Africa and return to New York. Things change when Alex and the others rush to Monte Casino, believing that the penguins have abandoned them. Skipper later uses the fortune to help the gang become part of a traveling circus.
Skipper is one of the four main characters of The Penguins of Madagascar. In the show, many things are revealed about him and it expands on his character from the movies. In multiple episodes it is shown that Skipper knows karate and is an exceptionally capable fighter. He's also very strong, as seen in "Launchtime." In "Crown Fools," he states that he had taken down an angry walrus with "a wing and a prayer and another wing". However, in "Needle Point", it is revealed that he has a fear of needles, so in later episodes if he's injured he's treated with medical cream or the like. Generally, he is a straight man, displaying a very stereotypical general personality when not in battle: he's been shown waking his men up early in the morning for training, has given them trials on being able to work without him a number of times, and has been shown to being very hard-boiled. He is, though, soft on his men at times, properly rewarding them and even showing fear and worry when he knows they're in danger. He becomes especially upset when he believes one of them to be dead. He often tries to hide this part, as he once told Private that he (Private) is always bait because he "is gullible and expendable," but later becomes upset when Private is eaten.
Although Skipper's plans and theories often serve as jokes, his most unorthodox theories are sometimes proven true; the Blowhole existence is the most extreme example of this. Doctor Blowhole is first mentioned in "Eclipsed", when Skipper brings up his plan to extinguish the sun; this is because the sun was covered by a solar eclipse and, before Mason, Phil, and Kowalski mentioned it, Skipper believed he finally succeeded. Skipper being paranoid often comes up due to his theories, and whether or not he's right depends on the episode. Often, those around him refuse to follow along, mostly Marlene because she believes Skipper overreacts. He often comes up with theories without basis on new arrivals, usually flying piranha or being a spy for Doctor Blowhole. According to him, there are actually 8 continents, since he counts Atlantis (and appears to believe it is off the coast of Brazil). He once tells Maurice that if he had Skipper's security clearance, he would believe it too. Skipper indicates that he believes that some new arrivals to the zoo could be flying piranha. In the episode "Launchtime," when he asks Kowalski to search for a place where nearly no lemurs can be found, he states that he cannot set foot in Denmark; when Private questions him on this, he replies by saying "Well, that's private, Private, between me and the Danes." It is later revealed that the incident in question was caused by Hans the Puffin, revolving around a fish fight and top secret documents that made them both public enemy number one.
Skipper has mentioned that there used to be two more penguins (Manfredi and Johnson, named for two ill-fated characters in the World War II prisoner-of-war saga Stalag 17) in addition to himself and the other three; this is unconfirmed, and these claims have never been adequately explained. When they're brought up, it's usually as a warning or an aside remark, as they died in the past during a mission. In "The Hidden", he mentions that they died during a mission when they were attacked by "flying piranhas" and that they had to "bury what was left of them with a tea spoon". In "A Kipper for Skipper," when Skipper states that "relatively few penguins get left behind", as the others point out that Manfredi, Johnson, and another penguin were. In "Roger Dodger," he tells Rico that he would take him out if he had to and tells him "just ask Manfredi and Johnson." In "An Elephant Never Forgets," he tells them that while he was training Private that Manfredi and Johnson "fell for the exploding elephant foot." They are also mentioned by Private, who claims that they mistook the hind end of a beluga whale for an escape tunnel. In "Maurice at Peace," it is implied that they were accidentally smothered by the others due to a misinterpretation of a message which actually said to smother them with affection. In "Smotherly Love," it is mentioned that they died a very relaxing death in a day spa.
In The Penguins of Madagascar, he uses some Italian words such as "Sempre all'erta" (in "Haunted Habitat"), "Bravissimo" (in "The Hidden"), "Attenzione" (in "Crown Fools"), "Eccellente" (in "Kingdom Come"), "Finito!" (in "Popcorn Panic") and "Perfetto" (in "An Elephant Never Forgets"). His Italian pronunciation is not perfect. In "The Falcon and the Snow Job," Skipper falls for a female Peregrine falcon named Kitka and they date for a while. Skipper breaks up with her after it is revealed that she had swallowed Fred the squirrel, and in subsequent episodes she wasn't heard from or mentioned.
Skipper shares a very strong friendship with Marlene, a female Asian Otter who lives across from the penguins and is a main character in the series. Despite their conflicting differences and clashes of personality, the two still remain very close and are able to keep their bond of friendship strong. Marlene is also considered "privileged" by Skipper, due to the fact that he thinks of her as a smart, which is rather unusual, considering his otherwise generally scornful opinion of mammals. He sometimes allows her to tag along on missions.
As the series The Penguins of Madagascar continues, Skipper starts to realize that Private is following in his footsteps in "Private and the Winky-Factory." Skipper also becomes less sensitive to his enemies Dr. Blowhole and Hans the Puffin. Over the course of the series, he likes and trusts them less and less. In the Dr. Blowhole Special "Blowhole Strikes Back," Hans and Skipper are referred to as "frenemies." At the beginning of the episode, Hans surprises Skipper by meeting him in China and refers to him as such.
submitted by Triexter to copypasta [link] [comments]


Monaco (/ˈmɒnəkoʊ/); French pronunciation: ​[mɔnako]), officially the Principality of Monaco (French: Principauté de Monaco),[a] is a sovereign city-state, country, and microstate on the French Riviera in Western Europe. Franceborders the country on three sides while the other side borders the Mediterranean Sea. Monaco is also located close to Italy, although it has no direct border.
Monaco has an area of 2.020 km2 (0.780 sq mi), making it the second-smallest country in the world after the Vatican. Its population was about 38,400 based on the last census of 2016.[6] With 19,009 inhabitants per km², it is the most densely-populated sovereign state in the world. Monaco has a land border of 5.47 km (3.40 mi),[6] a coastline of 3.83 km (2.38 mi), and a width that varies between 1,700 and 349 m (1,859 and 382 yd). The highest point in the country is a narrow pathway named Chemin des Révoires on the slopes of Mont Agel, in the Les Révoires Ward, which is 161 metres (528 feet) above sea level. Monaco's most populous Quartier is Monte Carlo and the most populous Ward is Larvotto/Bas Moulins. Through land reclamation, Monaco's land mass has expanded by 20 percent; in 2005, it had an area of only 1.974 km2 (0.762 sq mi). Monaco is known as a playground for the rich and famous, due to its tax laws. In 2014, it was noted about 30% of the population was made up of millionaires.[10]
Monaco is a principality governed under a form of constitutional monarchy, with Prince Albert II as head of state. Although Prince Albert II is a constitutional monarch, he wields immense political power. The House of Grimaldi has ruled Monaco, with brief interruptions, since 1297.[11] The official language is French, but Monégasque, Italian, and English are widely spoken and understood.[b] The state's sovereignty was officially recognized by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1861, with Monaco becoming a full United Nations voting member in 1993. Despite Monaco's independence and separate foreign policy, its defense is the responsibility of France. However, Monaco does maintain two small military units.
Economic development was spurred in the late 19th century with the opening of the country's first casino, Monte Carlo, and a railway connection to Paris.[12] Since then, Monaco's mild climate, scenery, and gambling facilities have contributed to the principality's status as a tourist destination and recreation centre for the rich. In more recent years, Monaco has become a major banking centre and has sought to diversify its economy into the services sector and small, high-value-added, non-polluting industries. The state has no income tax, low business taxes, and is well known for being a tax haven. It is also the host of the annual street circuit motor race Monaco Grand Prix, one of the original Grands Prix of Formula One. The principality has a club football team; AS Monaco, who have become French champions on multiple occasions.
Monaco is not formally a part of the European Union (EU), but it participates in certain EU policies, including customs and border controls. Through its relationship with France, Monaco uses the euro as its sole currency (prior to this it used the Monégasque franc). Monaco joined the Council of Europe in 2004. It is a member of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).
submitted by NaiveAccountant5 to u/NaiveAccountant5 [link] [comments]

FantaF1: Il contest di ItalyMotori sul Mondiale F1 2017!

Ciao a tutti, come annunciato a suo tempo, noi di /ItalyMotori abbiamo confezionato un contest legato al Mondiale di Formula1 del 2017. Il succo del contest è semplice, bisogna fornire i propri pronostici di classifica mondiale (i primi 10, piota corretto al posto corretto), i pronostici per singola gara, e 7 "eventi speciali". Lo scopo, oltre che fare più punti e vincere, è divertirsi e vivere tutti insieme il Mondiale di Formula1 2017.
Le iscrizioni si apriranno Mercoledì 1 Marzo, ore 09.00, con un altro post ufficiale, e saranno aperte fino a Lunedì 20 Marzo, ore 18.00 (incluso). La prima gara si disputerà Domenica 26 Marzo (Australia).
Ovviamente, già da adesso si accettano pre-iscrizioni, a patto che i pronostici d'apertura siano forniti entro il 20 Marzo.
Prima di iniziare ufficialmente vorremmo però sottoporvi il regolamento preliminare, per rivederlo e discuterlo insieme. Io e LanciaStratos93 l'abbiamo già letto, riletto e fatto simulazioni, ma pareri e/o dubbi esterni sono sempre i benvenuti!
L'avanzamento del contest sarà tracciato su un documento Google Spreadsheet appositamente creato, pubblicamente consultabile da tutti. Per l'occasione ne ho creato una copia modificabile da tutti, per fare prove e altro.
Ed ora, i link:
Attendiamo i vostri pareri!!

Breaking News! Ne approfittiamo per lanciare anche il gruppo Telegram di /ItalyMotori, passate a trovarci di là!

FantaF1 - Regolamento


Lo scopo del FantaF1 è pronosticare la classifica piloti finale del Mondiale di Formula1 2017 e i risultati dei vari gran premi. Ogni risultato indovinato genera punti.


Vince chi accumula più punti.


Il vincitore avrà diritto ad un mese di Reddit gold offerto dai moderatori di ItalyMotori, e a una Flair personalizzata da usare sul subreddit ("vincitore FantaF1 2017")

Modalità di partecipazione

Per poter partecipare è necessario rispondere al relativo post di apertura iscrizioni sul subreddit /ItalyMotori, fornendo i seguenti dati, oltre al nome utente:
  • Nome del proprio team,
  • Breve motto del proprio team,
  • Pronostico di vittoria del mondiale (vedi capitolo dedicato),
  • Pronostico "eventi speciali" (vedi capito dedicato).
Le candidature ed i pronostici saranno validate dai mod del subreddit e caricate nel foglio di calcolo "FantaF1 - 2017" (Google spreadsheet). In caso siano necessarie correzioni dovute ad errori l'utente sarà avvisato per tempo.

Pronostico di vittoria del mondiale e punteggi

E' necessario fornire l'elenco dei primi dieci piloti classificati nel Mondiale F1 2017, ordinati dal primo al decimo. Tale pronostico va fornito all'atto dell'iscrizione, e non sarà possibile cambiare tale pronostico una volta chiuse le stesse. I punti saranno assegnati ad ogni pilota corretto nella posizione corretta, secondo il seguente ordine:
Posizione classifica Punti Formula
Primo classificato 125 punti (25 x 5)
Secondo classificato 90 punti (18 x 5)
Terzo classificato 75 punti (15 x 5)
Quarto classificato 60 punti (12 x 5)
Quinto classificato 50 punti (10 x 5)
Sesto classificato 40 punti (8 x 5)
Settimo classificato 30 punti (6 x 5)
Ottavo classificato 20 punti (4 x 5)
Nono classificato 10 punti (2 x 5)
Decimo classificato 5 punti (1 x 5)
Il punteggio massimo ottenibile dal pronostico completamente azzeccato è di 505 punti.

Eventi speciali e punteggi

E' necessario fornire l'elenco dei vincitori di specifici eventi e classifiche. Tale pronostico va fornito all'atto dell'iscrizione, e non sarà possibile cambiarlo una volta che sarà giunto il termine Gli eventi speciali sono i seguenti:
Premio Descrizione
Premio "Primo della classe" assegnato al pilota che otterrà più Pole Positions alla fine del Mondiale
Premio "Siffredi" assegnato al "Re del bagnato", il pilota che otterrà più vittorie in gare bagnate (1)
Premio "Speedy Gonzales" assegnato al pilota che otterrà più record della pista alla fine del Mondiale
Premio "Fantozzi Rag. Ugo" assegnato al pilota che collezionerà più ritiri alla fine del Mondiale (2)
Premio "Zinédine Zidane" assegnato al "Re del Fair Play", il pilota che collezionerà più sanzioni alla fine del Mondiale (3)
Premio "Il monaco di Monza" assegnato al pilota che vincerà il Gran Premio di Monza
Premio "Ayrton Senna" assegnato al "Principe di Monaco", il pilota che vincerà il Gran Premio di Monte Carlo
Ogni evento speciale indovinato da diritto a 20 punti. Il punteggio massimo ottenibile dai pronostici completamente azzeccati è di 140 punti.
1) Si intendono gare bagnate solo quelle gare così appositamente segnalate dai commissari FIA durante la gara o poco prima dell'inizio.
2) Per ritiri si intendono sia ritiri causati da incidenti, o da guasti meccanici. Si considerano i ritiri dei soli piloti che si sono schierati in griglia di partenza o in pit-lane, i ritiri pre-gara non saranno conteggiati.
3) Per sanzioni si intendono i provvedimenti disciplinari comminati dai commisari di gara, sia durante le singole gare che tra una gara e l'altra. Saranno considerate solo le sanzioni che influiscono sul risultato della gara (stop and go, retrocessione, squalifica, ecc.).

Singolo Gran Premio e punteggi

Sarà possibile fornire un pronostico di vittoria e altri eventi per ogni Gran Premio disputato. Alla fine del Mondiale di F1 2017 dei punteggi maturati saranno considerati solamente i migliori 15 pronostici di gare singole, e scartati gli altri. In questo modo è possibile poter saltare 5 gare senza venire penalizzati per la competizione. Per poter partecipare alla competizione delle singole gare è necessario fornire i seguenti pronostici:
  • Pilota che otterrà la Pole Position,
  • Pilota che otterrà il record della pista in gara,
  • Primi tre classificati all'arrivo, ordinati dal primo al terzo.
I punti e le tempistiche per fornire i pronostici sono questi:
pronostico giorno punti
Pole Position venerdì del weekend di gara 10 punti
Giro veloce in gara sabato del weekend di gara 10 punti
Primo classificato in gara sabato del weekend di gara 25 punti
Secondo classificato in gara sabato del weekend di gara 18 punti
Terzo classificato in gara sabato del weekend di gara 15 punti
Il punteggio per un pronostico di gara completamente esatto è di 78 punti. Il punteggio massimo ottenibile dai pronostici di gara completamente azzeccati è di 1170 punti.

Calcolo delle condizioni di vittoria

I punteggi maturati per i pronostici del Mondiale, degli Eventi Speciali e i 15 migliori pronostici di gara saranno sommati tra loro per determinare il vincitore.
Il punteggio totale massimo ottenibile è di 1815 punti.

Comunicazioni e pronostici

Tutte le comunicazioni, gli aggiornamenti e le richieste di pronostico saranno effettuate nel subreddit /ItalyMotori, in appositi post debitamente taggati come "FantaF1".
La possibilità di fornire i pronostici delle singole gare sarà offerta ogni weekend di gara, con le seguenti modalità:
Giorno Orario Pronostico
Venerdì entro le 24.00 Pronostico Pole Position
Sabato entro le 24.00 Pronostico Fast Lap e primi 3 classificati in gara
Domenica - Live della gara (opzionale)
Lunedì entro le 18.00 Aggiornamento classifica e discussione

Aggiornamento dei dati

I dati saranno aggiornati dopo ogni singolo Gran Premio, entro le 18.00 del Lunedì seguente. Se le condizioni lo permetteranno, sarà possibile anche avere aggiornamenti alla classifica in real-time durante le singole gare.

Fonti dati

L'unica fonte di dati ufficiale da cui ricavare le informazioni per la competizione è il sito e applicazioni correlate. La traccia ufficiale della competizione, i punti ed i progressi saranno memorizzati nel foglio di calcolo (Google spreadsheet) "FantaF1 - 2017".
submitted by cybertex1969 to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

Journey Through Europe 2.0 | Luxembourg NF

Welcome to the national final of Luxembourg for RSC #18 live from all across Europe! Here at the Luxembourg delegation, we've invited 6 artists to give you a tour of our wonderful continent, each presenting a song for the chance to represent Luxembourg at the eighteenth edition of Redditvision, hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark. After being given a tour by each artist, you will be given the opportunity to vote for your favourite city songs. Without further ado, let's begin our tour!
Hello guys, we're American duo MKTO and welcome to the beautiful Mediterranean city of Monaco! Famed for their casinos, our journey starts at Monte Carlo Casino. Opened it 1853, it's owned by the Société des bains de mer de Monaco, a government run operation. Until recently, this was the primary source of income for the House of Grimaldi.
Now in Monaco city itself, we visit Palais Princier, the official residence of the Sovereign Prince of Monaco. Built in 1191 as a Genoese fortress, it was has been the home of the Grimaldi family since 1297. Where other European rulers built whole new palaces when they acquired wealth, the Grimaldi's only added an extra wing to their palace.
Finally, we end our tour at the Oceanographic Museum. This place is home to the Mediterranean Science Commission and was completed in 1910 after taking 11 years to build. It was inaugurated by Prince Albert I of Monaco. Recently, to mark its centenary, the museum underwent extensive renovations.
That all from us! Thank you for joining us in Monaco, and enjoy your next city!
Hello and we are English Band Nothing But Thieves, and welcome to Amsterdam! Our journey starts at Amsterdam Centraal, the largest railway station in the Netherlands. Completed in 1889, it was built on an artificial island between the medieval centre and the IJ waterfront. It was designed in the Gothic style by Dutch architect Pierre Cuypers. Remember that name, he may come back later...
Next we move south through the city to to Museum Square where we find a museum dedicated to the Netherlands' most famous artist - the Van Gogh Museum. Opened in 1973, the building was designed by a Dutch & a Japanese architect, Rietveld and Kurokawa. Each year the museum attracts 2.3 million visitors, making it the most visited museum in the Netherlands and 23rd in the world.
Finally we end our trip across the same square as we visit the Rijksmuseum. This is the largest museum in the country with over 8000 object of art & history on display. The museum was first opened in The Hague in 1800 before moving to Amsterdam in 1808, but moved to this Gothic style building designed by Pierre Cuypers in 1885.
Thank you for joining us in Amsterdam! We hope you had a good a time as we did. Enjoy your next stop!
Hello and welcome to Istanbul! It's not Constantinople anymore. We're Canadian band They Might Be Giants and we're over the moon to be able to give you a tour of this gateway city. We'll be spending most of our time in Sultanahmet, the Old City of Istanbul. We start at the Hagia Sophia, which at the time of construction was the largest cathedral in the world. It was started back when the city was Byzantium - still not Constantinople - in 532. In 1453, following the fall of Constantinople, the building was converted into a Mosque. Today, it's a museum and has been since 1935.
Next, we head on to the Grand Bazaar, which contains ~4400 shops. It's said to be the world's oldest shopping mall, covering several blocks, and features a labyrinth of side streets to keep you lost for the better part of the day. It attracts between 250,000-400,000 visitors per day and has been used as a market since 1455.
Finally, we take a look at the old city walls of Byzantium. They were built during the reign of emperor Theodosius II (408-450) and they enclosed the entire western boundary of the city to protect against the Golden Horde. During the 1990s, the walls were restored during unsightly works.
And that's it from us! We hope you enjoyed Istanbul and Turkey, and have fun at your next stop!
Hello! We are British duo Tokio Myers and Jazmin Sawyers here to show you the troubled city of Jerusalem. To start our journey, we welcome you to the Western Wall of the Old City. It's located inside the Jewish Quarter of the old city, and often referred to as "the wailing wall" because because Jewish people pray here, due to its connection to the Temple Mount. Jews however find this term derogatory, so please don't call it that.
Next, we exit the Old City out of the Jaffa Gate, between the Christian and Armenian quarters. It's one of 7 gates into the Old City, and is distinctly at right angles to the 16th Century Ottoman wall because designed to slow down attackers of the city. The gate is so called because it's oriented towards Jaffa Road, from which travellers and pilgrims arrived from the Port of Jaffa.
Last but not least, we stop at the Biblical Zoo. Founded in 1940, It's famous for it's Afro-Asiatic collection of wildlife, many of which are described in the Hebrew Bible. It was the city's most popular tourist attraction during the mid 2000s.
Thank for joining us for stop 4 of your journey! Have fun in your next city.
Hola, I am Alvaro Soler, a Spanish Singer. Welcome to the beautiful city of Sofia! We're starting at Sofia Central Mineral Baths, a building that was constructed near the destroyed Turkish Baths after the country declared independence from the Ottoman Empire. However, public baths have existed in the city since at least the 16th Century. The bath house was damaged during World War II, but was restored and continued working until 1986, when it was converted into a Museum about the city.
Secondly, we head to St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. It's one of the largest Orthodox cathedrals in the world, and the second largest in the Balkan peninsula. Built in the Neo-Byzantine style in 1882, it's interior is decorated with fine Italian marble, Brazilian Onyx, Alabaster, and other luxurious materials. It is one of Sofia's primary symbols and tourist attractions and can hold up to 10,000 people
Last but not least, we Battenberg Mausoleum - the final resting place of Prince Alexander I, the first head of state of modern Bulgaria. Commissioned to the Swiss architect Hermann Mayer, it's got an eclectic style with elements of Neo-Baroque and Neoclassicism. It was opened in 1897, 4 years after Alexander's death, though was closed between 1947-1991 during Communist rule in the country. It was partially restored in 2005.
Thank you for joining me in Sofia! It was wonderful showing you around. Have fun in your last destination!
Hello, I am Elvina, an Azerbaijani singer, here to show you around Baku! We start our tour with the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, one of Baku's UNESCO World Heritage buildings. It's a 15th century palace constructed by Ibrahim I - the ruler of Shirvan. It was constructed after the capital of Shirvan was moved following an earthquake, and this was the palace to welcome him. It's believed to be a memorial complex built around the sacred palace of worship & tomb of Seyyid Yaxya Bakuvi.
Next we move to the Mosque of the Martyrs, also known as the Turkish Mosque. It was built at the beginning of the 1990s with help from the Turkish government and is used as the official residence of the religious attaché of the Turkish embassy. The facade has the 154th Ayah from Al-Baqara chapter of the Qaran written upon it.
Last but not least, we visit the iconic Crystal Hall. It was built 2011-2012 to host the Eurovision Song Contest and has since hosted several events including part of the inaugural European Games. It seats 12,000 people and cost $350 million to build.
And with that, it's goodbye from me, Baku, and the cities of Europe (for now). I hope you enjoy your tour here, and everywhere else too.
The voting is a 2/1 jury/televote split, meaning you - the international jury - have the opportunity to decide who Luxembourg will send to Redditvision. In order to vote, please PM your top 6 so 19, 12, 8, 5, 3, and 1 points can be awarded respectively. Voting ends in 6 days (so, when this post says '6 days ago') and results will be announced once edition 18 has begun. Good luck to everybody, and start voting now!
Draw Artist Song Link
1 MKTO Monaco LINK
2 Nothing But Thieves Amsterdam LINK
3 They Might Be Giants Istanbul (Not Constantinople) LINK
4 Tokio Myers feat. Jazmin Sawyers Jerusalem LINK
5 Alvaro Soler Sofia LINK
6 Elvina Bakı LINK
While we process your votes, please enjoy our interval act of the Oslo by Anna Of The North! Thank you, and good luck once again!

I'm putting both hands over my mouth

submitted by Phoenix963 to redditvision_nf [link] [comments]

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Not to be confused with the Monte Carlo on the Las Vegas Strip.. The Monte Carlo Club was a casino located on 15 Fremont Street in Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Being the first casino to be owned by Wilbur Clark (Who also owned the Desert Inn) it opened back in 1945, replacing the former Turf Club and later closed in 1956 after changing ownership multiple times. The Casino de Monte-Carlo opens its doors for you to win the jackpot! Let yourself be seduced by this iconic casino that is constantly reinventing itself to offer a unique gaming experience. The Monte Carlo was a resort and casino located between New York-New York and Aria on the left side of the Strip in Paradise, Nevada. The resort opened back in 1996 in place of the Desert Rose Motel and was owned by MGM Resorts International. The hotel has a total number of 3,002 rooms, including 259 luxury suites. The resort also had it's own shopping mall, convention center, spa, fitness ... Monte Carlois an administrative area of the Principality of Monaco in the south of France. It is known internationally for its lucrative casinos, including the Monte Carlo Casino, and its luxurious hotels. 1 Literary appearances 1.1 Forever and a Day (2018) 2 Film appearances 3 References In an attempt to meet with Joanne Brochet in 1950, Bond went to Monte Carlo's Monte Carlo Casino, where ... tipico casino geht nichtGlücksspiel während der Corona-Beschränkungen kommt Spieler teuer zu stehenAls die Frauen das Lokal auch nach einiger Zeit nicht wieder verlassen hatcasino monte carlo wiki whjwten, gingen die Beamten, die im Rahmen der Operation „Mascarada“ eingesetzt waren, davon aus, dass sie sich in den Innenräumen einer illegalen Spielpartie widmeten.Unternehmensgründer ... This page was last edited on 16 February 2019, at 21:40. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Français : Le casino de Monte-Carlo est un prestigieux casino de style baroque situé dans le quartier Monte-Carlo à Monaco sur la Côte d'Azur. L'actuel bâtiment a été conçu en 1879 par les architectes Jules Dutrou et Charles Garnier (qui construisit également l' Opéra de Monte-Carlo attenant). The Brew Pub, located at the Monte Carlo, is one of the largest breweries in the nation and was the first one located in a resort on the Las Vegas Strip.. The beer there is brewed three to four times per week and bottled two or three times a month. Each year, the Brew Pub produces more than 3,000 barrels, or 93,000 gallons, of its signature beer that includes Silver State Stout, Jackpot Pale ... The Monte Carlo Casino, officially named Casino de Monte-Carlo, is a gambling and entertainment complex located in Monaco. It includes a casino, the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, and the office of Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo. Monte Carlo's two ports are no strangers to pleasure-boats. Port Hercule is exceptionally beautiful and offers mooring and anchoring possibilities for up to five hundred vessels, some of which are extremely large and elegant (in fact, many tourists often take time out of their day to simply have a drink by the water and admire the fantastic superyachts).

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