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[Table] IamAn orchestra conductor - I wave my arms for a living (or did, during non-COVID times)! AMA!

The conductor answered nearly all the questions, so there were some repetitive ones mixed in.
Questions Answers
Could an orchestra actually function/perform perfectly fine without you? The musicians all have their music in front of them and and a good part of their training has to do with really learning to play with each other, whether in the section, like string players matching the way they play, or within the orchestra, like when percussionists really know how to play with other instruments in the orchestra (unlike strings, percussionists can't really just "sneak in"). Honestly 85% of the time an orchestra might not need a conductor at all. But especially during times when the tempo is flexible a conductor is essential. And there needs to be an agreement on an artistic approach to the work. While some conductor-less orchestras have developed amazing systems to gain consensus about an artistic vision, in most cases the conductor is the one that unifies the approach to a piece. There might be a crescendo, a swelling in the music, but how is that crescendo done? With urgency? With patience and a slow build? The conductor generally decides those aspects.
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Hmmm, doesn't the Hannover Band play (and record) without a conductor? There are several conductor-less orchestras, one of the most famous being the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra which has released many recordings. New Century Chamber Orchestra in the SF Bay Area is conductor-less, and there are many others. But the vast majority of orchestras use conductors.
I have my hands in the air for a living too--only directing heavy equipment, so actually completely unrelated. Do your arms get tired? My arm actually feel asleep yesterday. What are the pro tips for tired conductor arms? You ever think about installing dry wall? I bet those guys got nothing on you. That's why we use batons! For conductors the tiring part comes when using your shoulders. The more just using forearms and a baton, the more stamina you have. And then when you're older you don't have big shoulder issues like many people have. And batons are designed to be ultra light and balanced so not too much strain.
Are you still able to make a living as an orchestra conductor with COVID impacting performances for live audiences? Many orchestras have completely shut down, some even completely cancelling their 20-21 seasons. For musicians it's a very difficult time as even when restrictions are relaxed, it'll be hard to get audiences into a concert hall when it's an enclosed space with lots of people over a longer period of time. So it's very difficult to know when the industry will be back. Many orchestras are pivoting to online concerts, but obviously it's not the same at all.
Some of my groups are now fully online for the time being, so it's not a complete loss. Even if the activities aren't full concerts, we're working on staying in the public eye and continuing to make artistic contributions during this time.
Yes, possible to make living, but the situation is now completely different on the ground!
Why does the media portray conductors like they're assholes with horrible tempers? Tom and Jerry and Ghostbusters for example. It used to be that conductors were actually like that, dictators on the podium. Toscanini, the famous italian conductor, was the Music Director for the NBC Orchestra for a long time. He was famous for his tirades. And there are still some conductors today with terrible tempers.
But today orchestral players have a lot more say about the conductors and even rate them. There are secret evaluations that orchestras have on conductors that we actually never see. Most conductors love collaborating with musicians, so conductors like Simon Rattle are leading the new charge of how conductors interact with orchestras.
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Nice thanks for answering. I'm a union member and am curious if (I believe they're unionized) the musicians union had any role to play in musician's rights so far as dealing with a jerk conductor and the evaluations you mentioned. Oh of course, ICSOM, OCSM, and ROPA all use evaluations and can request of other orchestras the evaluations of a conductor they're considering hiring for guesting or longer term things. And yes, many musician friends have good stories of the union standing up for players, even in the middle of rehearsal.
One opera conductor was pissed off about one section that the first violins were playing. It had happened to be that the second rehearsal had a few more subs in the first violin section - which is probably why some of the things rehearsed and intonation weren't like they were at the end of the first rehearsal. Anyway, the conductor was really mad and pointed at one of the players to stand up and play the excerpt solo. The union rep immediately jumped up and said, "maestro, unfortunately you can't do that - you can't single out players." Then the conductor said, fine the stand partner can stand up too. Union rep - "sorry, can't do that either." The players' committee and the conductor then went out to have a long discussion about this all... :p
Which instrument do you think is underutilized and you would like to hear more from? Hm, at this moment? Why not the theremin? That's the instrument that was often used for alien spooky sounds in old tv shows and movies. But it can be a gorgeous instrument, especially in the hands of somebody like carolina eyck. SF Ballet just did Little Mermaid with a score from Lera Auerbach. It uses theremin throughout and it's absolutely amazing as a legit instrument.
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are there any recorded works you might recommend that use a theremin throughout? I don't know if there's a released recording of Little Mermaid - but this video describes the composer's thoughts on using the theremin in the ballet:
What are your thoughts on symphonies playing along to movies like the Harry Potter series? My kids and I absolutely love these when they are available, but what do you and the other musicians think about this? Is it boring, exciting, or just another job? John Williams is a personal hero of mine. His background and training is rooted in classical music and continues the traditions of many of the greats. Most classical musicians I know absolutely love his music though it's a pain to play (since it can be really difficult). I remember conducting a pops concert of Harry Potter music when the movies had just come out. The orchestra players didn't know the music because it was so new and they were so upset because it was really difficult. And it was a pops concert so they only had one rehearsal to put it together.
All music though can get tiring if you do it too much - I'm lucky to be involved in many areas of music (choral, orchestra, opera, ballet, pops). If I had to do Star Wars every single weekend... well... honestly, I don't think I could get tired of that... :D
You ever go full Toscanini on a section/musician? One never goes full Toscanini ;)
Do you require that everyone refer to you as Maestro? Seinfeld... heh
I don't require it and do find it awkward, but often people do it as a default, especially if you don't know the person.
Who are some contemporary conductors you’re impressed by? I can't get enough of Anna Clyne. Conducted her night ferry last year which is a fantastic work. She just released a new cello concerto called Dance which is unbelievable.
Hello!! I'm in college for teaching band/orchestra and hoping to eventually get into professional conducting. I've noticed there's a distinct lack of women in the profession, at least on the instrumental side. It definitely seems to be a unspoken thing in instrumental music that women stick to the younger kids. What do you think we can do to help make instrumental conducting/teaching less intimidating for women to advance in? Do you have any specific tips for women (or anyone) entering the field? Is there a way to make myself stand out against the other candidates besides networking and practice? I understand if you don't want to answer this question as I can see how it would be controversial, but thanks for doing this! I hate that it's still common for some of the old guard to disparage female conductors. Conducting is a hard profession as it is anyway, but those that persevere will definitely make it. Definitely reach out to Marin Alsop, Joann Falletta - they really go out of their way to support female conductors. Orchestras will eat conductors alive, so it's key to know how to gain their respect.
This 27 year old conducted NY Phil and the flute player asked, do you want me to play it this way or this other way. The conductor said, the other way. The flutist snapped back, I played it the other way before and you didn't say anything, were you even listening?
Some conductors might have flinched, but he just laughed and said, "no, i didn't hear what you played, but i'm glad you brought it up." he gained the respect of the orchestra and they just got back to work.
There will still be people that disparage you - for being young, or being female, or being short, or not using a baton or whatever. But as long as you know your stuff, have a good working relationship with them, and don't waste their time - all that will go away. Ultimately they want to work with somebody that's not going to waste their time and who is going to get stuff done. After that, they won't care about anything else!
What's your favorite piece/composer to conduct? Anything you'd like to conduct but have never gotten the chance? Anything you see on a program and go "Ugghhhhhhhh"? Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet - so much color and power. The last scene, the death of Juliet, is so amazing.
There are hundreds of pieces I've never conducted yet, gotta do them all ;)
There are certainly pieces that are fun to conduct but I don't want to hear in concert. But more often it's the the performance isn't engaging. Even if it's a piece I wouldn't think to listen to but it's an amazing performance, it'll be great!
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Is there a rule that when conducting pieces from a ballet sans dancers you have to conduct it at an absurd speed that would give anyone who ever danced it a heart attack? Actually, SF Ballet was on tour to NYC and we were doing a piece that they were doing, but a completely different choreography. The NYCB dancers heard our tempo and completely freaked out - they immediately came out and were like that's utterly impossible to dance to! Heh, that was fun.
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I can not remember when SF ballet came here. Anyways, and on top of that NYCB is already too fast since Balanchine is the F1 of ballet. Did you or do you dance currently? It's a notorious battle between musicians/conductors and dancers about tempi like you mention. A hint that I'll mention is that musicians tend to prefer to be too fast when working with dancers than too slow. If it's too slow it kills the dancers, whereas if it's too fast they can leave out something. Obviously neither are ideal and I love collaborating and trying to really connect to what is going on on stage. But yes, many ballet conductors are told "if you miss a tempo, better to be too fast than too slow." (for what it's worth)
Forgive me if this seems ignorant, but I'd like to ask, with each person playing their instrument and having a sheet in front of them, what is the role of a conductor? Do you point towards the people you want to take the lead in a particular verse, and then point up or down depending on the volume and tone you want them to play at? Just answered a similar question above! But I'll also add that professional orchestras often put together music very quickly. A normal pace is the week of the concerts (3-5 rehearsals). There are many concerts, especially pops or education concerts, which have only a single rehearsal! So a conductor is needed to ensure that the process is efficient.
Yes, cuing (pointing or gesturing towards certain instruments) is an important part of conducting. As mentioned in the other comment, the musicians have the music in front of them. It might say to play loud, but how are they to play loud? Aggressive and with force? Warm and comforting? Brilliant and bright? The conductor and our gestures help convey the style of the music.
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[deleted] It has to do with perception of weight often. Gesturing with a very tight intense arm will imply aggression. If you hold your arms like you're holding something, like a pumpkin in implies a weight that will imply a certain type of tone that is warmer, fuller, richer. If your hands are palms down and relatively higher, like elevated near your face, it's like they're floating. You might imply a more ethereal, lighter sound in that manner.
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Not always gestures - (a video I watched a number of times - always get a kick out of the expressions) Hey man, with masks on during performances and rehearsals I have to work on my eyebrow gestures too... :D
How did you find your calling? I was on a choir tour in undergrad (as a piano major) and we were giving our 7th concert out of something like 14 concerts. So the same repertoire each time that we had been working on for months. However, this performance was transformative. One of the works was a Ukrainian carol and this seventh performance happened to be at a Ukrainian church with a large Ukrainian population. We realized they all knew the carol we were singing and there was something transformed in the performance. The entire room, audience, performers, conductor were fully in the performance together. I realized at that point that the conductor was the conduit for the energy in the room - it was the start of my love of conducting.
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Was it Shchedryk? That wasn't the particular piece but we did have a version of Carol of the Bells that we performed. I actually don't remember the song itself, but it was a holiday song about girls singing and rocking their dolls?
How much do you get to override the arranger? Like if something just isn't working for your players, can/do you rewrite some measures here and there to keep everybody happy? Yes, that happens a lot with new works or pop pieces. Sometimes if you get a poor arranger they write something that's not playable for the instrument. So if the arranger or composer isn't there, the conductor and player can change the music. Sometimes we have to make interpretive decisions, that even still happens with composers like Beethoven. The instruments during Beethoven's time didn't have the full range of today's instruments and sometimes he wrote awkward things for them to play to adjust. But if those instruments had the full range, it's obvious he would have just written it how he wanted it. So you can choose to do what is currently written, or what you think Beethoven would have actually wanted.
Doing concerts and traveling a lot, how do you balance that with family life, having pets, hobbies, ...? Honestly it's REALLY hard. Many very famous conductors who are on the road have horrible personal lives. Luckily I have/had a good balance between concerts near my home and traveling. My wife likes to bring up at dinner parties when I left for Paris for five weeks only a month after our second child was born. But I have many mornings free and early parts of the week so I see the kids to school for drop off and am involved with their school a bit as well.
As for hobbies, I'm a sucker for restaurants/drinks so that works really well for travel. And if it's a particularly long trip and things make sense regarding school, oftentimes people have their families travel with them.
Obviously everything's changed now and I'm home almost 24/7. I'm WAY more stir crazy as it's a drastic lifestyle change for me. But managing, like everybody else - chatting for this IAMA helps ;)
When the DJ says to "put your hands in the air" and "wave them around like you just don't care", do you join in? Or is that considered taking your work home with you? man, but i wave them around like i do care. :p
Since you're a conductor and there is a pandemic going on, how do you continue your career from your home? I mean, I don't know an app that has zero latency for musicians to communicate and play along, so everyone needs to record their own tracks and send them to an arranger in order to have a clean recording. So we don't need a conductor in this case, right? Is there a way that you can continue as a conductor? If there is none, are you playing an instrument or are you doing the arranging? Conducting in the traditional sense in Covid time is impossible. There's just no way for a large group of people/instrumentalists to actually play together. Too many issues with people's internet speeds, the delay of processing, actual distance, etc. All the videos you see online of virtual performances are artificial. They're not following the conductor, they're following a click track or a recording they're listening to (hence all the headphones). But Music Directors do more than just conduct, there's a lot of administrative responsibilities so we're still generally employed.
Thank you so much for doing this AMA! I am an undergrad for music ed. My goal is to be a choral director for advanced or professional choirs. I also hope to get involved in the musical theater scene. Do you have any experience working with choir or theater? How does your conducting style change when there is no orchestra? Do you change your style for ballet or opera? How much do you deviate from the traditional conducting pattern? I notice a lot of high level conductors rarely just beat time unless there is something of importance. Do you have any advice for someone starting down this path? P.s I would love if I could get the chance to chat live(or by email) about your thoughts around music and covid. I actually started in choral and symphonic choral conducting! Yes, conducting for ballet/opera is completely different, especially opera, because your function is hyper critical. You're trying to align the sounds from the stage, which could be 40 feet away from you, with the sounds of the orchestra below the stage. It's really thrilling to do. In general the conductor needs to be of greatest service to the ensemble. So with professional orchestras, they need something very different than amateur or student groups. Opera orchestras need something different than choirs. So your conducting will change greatly.
I deviate a lot from conducting patterns and would suggest practicing musical gestures first. I used to practice conducting patterns a lot and it's hard to break that as a default. Since you want to portray the music, it's good to connect to musical gestures too.
Sure, I'm happy to chat - since my website is up in the proof section (, just email me through there.
If I (with basically no knowledge of classical music, other than being able to recognise some pieces from adverts) listened to the same piece of music conducted by three different people, would I be able to discern a difference? I assume you would be able to? Linked to that, I'm curious about whether conductors have their own discernible styles; would you be able to identify a particular conductor on hearing, for the first time, a particular piece conducted by them? Yes! Definitely I think you'd be able to tell the difference. Obviously with more exposure, elements of each work would start to stand out more. But there are very different versions out there of various works.
Listen to Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 8 - the heavy metal movement:
Example 1 - Manic and out of control (deliberately so)
Example 2 - tragic and depressing
The first example is deliberately so fast and out of control, the playing is angular and aggressive. The second is much slower and really with (deliberately) better tone but still intense.
It depends what affect you're looking to achieve - even the same conductor will change the way they approach a work each time they do it.
Are you also a musician? Did you go to college? What did you study? Went to grad school and undergrad for music. Grad school was conducting, undergrad was piano pedagogy and music education. Piano was my main instrument and I still play a bit today. But had some tendinitis issues so I try to limit my playing!
I also play violin and in the past used to sit in a community orchestra... and complain about how much conductors talk. ;)
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I'm a budding pianist so I had to ask this, can you tell me how you had the issue? I want to try and avoid that in the future! Seriously take rests part of every hour. Remember that the pain you might feel in your wrist is the friction from inflammation. When you're having pain in your wrists and after advil you feel better, that's when it's healing, not that it's actually healed yet. Just like anything, it's building in the habits of resting enough, even if you think you don't need it. You do. And going to type at the computer is not giving your fingers/arms a rest. Those things! Hyper important!
What's the opera house or concert hall that's on your wishlist to conduct, and what opera house/concert hall impressed you the most? Bolshoi theater in Moscow was one of my favorites. Amazing history and orchestra. The sound from the pit was so powerful and live.
I've never conducted in the concertgebouw - would love to conduct there!
Reading up on John Cage, he apparently had some difficulties with some orchestras. He describes Bernstein as not getting what he and Feldman and others were doing and just allowing each member of the orchestra to improvise whatever they wanted was basically the same thing. And how members of the orchestra destroyed some of the equipment he had purchased for them to use (contact mics, etc). This was all in the late '50s, if I recall, but even in the '70s and '80s he had to stipulate in writing a minimum amount of practice time or he would withdraw the piece because apparently orchestras would assume that they could just wing it when it came to his music and not practice it ahead of time. I assume things are better now -- especially with Cage -- but do you run into pieces that some members of orchestras rebel against even if in minor ways? Do you conduct much music in that more avant-garde/experimental vein? How have audience reactions to this kind of music evolved over the years? Is it the essentially the same? Does location matter (thinking the LA Phil and SF Phil vs more conservative places) the most? Oh god, it's actually NOT often better. There are conductors and orchestras that despise playing new music, even those that are known for doing new works. Sometimes composers are really given very little rehearsal time, or players complain about how the part is written.
I absolutely LOVE new music - it's not only discovering what the composer is saying, but also learning the musical voice of a composer. This is different than in Beethoven's time as Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn were all writing within a certain style. Today's composers are finding their musical voices in addition to figuring out what to say about their works.
But I'm not known as a new works conductor so I rarely get asked to do new works. I think that audiences sometimes are scared of new works, but if an organization or a conductor really embraces it and shows why these works are important, than that goes a long way to making it exciting for audiences.
Is there a particular section of an orchestra that you are not a "fan" of? I went to college as a piano major (did not work out, too competitive and I wasn't dedicated enough) and I had a personal beef with the french horns. Are you trying to get me killed. I love ALL the instrument groups in the orchestra. Equally. Because, you know, if I didn't, I'd be in trouble. Especially the bassoons. :p
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As a trombonist I can confirm the answer is the trombone section. We think every note is a solo and Interpret every dynamic marking as triple-mother-forte. Never look at the trombones... it only encourages them... (Strauss)
I've been to an outdoor performance of the 1812 Overture with real cannons, what weird instrument have you pointed your baton for conduction and direction? And how could you communicate to someone firing a cannon that you'd want more emotion from their performance? :) Cannons are always the top for weird instruments. But the vibraslap (flexatone) is a favorite of mine for fun instruments. You can hear it in this recording.
During the performance, the conductor is, of course, God. But before that, do you have to listen to the stage managers like the rest of the mortals? Always listen to the stage managers... :) some of my favorite people.
Actually, once my vest came undone and the stage manager came rushing out on stage after me to fix it... the audience got a laugh out of that...
As a conductor, how big an influence do you have on the final performance. Would you be able to recognize the conductor based on their "signature style" when hearing a piece of music being performed? There are some stylistic traits that might be identifiable, but the ensemble has SO much to do with the sound. Chicago Symphony was famous for their brass, Vienna has a very famous overall sound. Simon Rattle once did a Beethoven cycle with Berlin and London at the same time - the two recordings are very different!
Have you ever conducted a combination of two music pieces? Yes! Some pieces were meant to be played on top of each other. I forget the piece, but one piece is actually supposed to be the sounds of a cell phone and conversation interrupting another.
But some pieces are meant to sound like two pieces played at the same time - Charles Ives was famous for that. He lived in the center of a small town that had two marching bands. The bands, to avoid bothering each other, would play on opposite sides of the town. However, where Ives lived he could hear both bands. So he often wrote music to sound like two pieces played at the same time that had nothing to do with each other.
University viola student here and I found we actually happen to have mutual friends on Facebook LOL. Music world is small. Anyways I wanted to ask some things about what you listen for during auditions. I’ve heard many things from my teachers and other musicians who have been on the audition panel about what THEY listen for but haven’t heard all that much about what the conductors themselves are looking for. -What can make an audition positively stand out from the rest? -Are there any automatic giveaways that someone auditioning has what you are looking for or vice versa? And how long do you have to listen for you to know? Edit: One more question- Best viola joke you know? You're a violist so you already know all the best jokes! But of course, my favorite is that this violist ran up to the conductor whining and said, "maestro - my stand partner detuned one of my strings!!" the conductor said, "man that's childish, oh well, sorry to hear about that." the violist whined again and said, "you don't understand the worst part - he didn't tell me which one!!!"
The Met Opera is doing masterclasses and often on audition prep:
July 15 11am EST. This is the cello/bass masterclass as the viola has already passed. But yes, feel free to watch.
Auditions are brutal. Seriously. Single mistakes are perfectly fine, unless there's a hint of some systemic issue. Most people want to hear personality and a deep understanding of the music in excerpts.
Other than orchestras and music groups simply trying to convert ticket sales to "live stream" events, or "zoom" concerts, are you hearing or seeing any examples of new trends or innovations in "live" performances amid/post COVID? Classical/new music concert-going will be forever changed. Out here in Boston, my partner is still deeply mourning the personal and professional loss of what would have been a pretty baller 20/21 season. I'm so saddened for all my colleagues and friends in the performing arts. I suspect many won't be able to recover. It's so tough because the power of music is the direct communication, not only with the audience but with the other players. I have no idea what trends will continue but everybody agrees that zoom and other virtual programming seem much more temporary fixes than industry changes. Unless there's a way to have truly simultaneous playing virtually it'll be impossible to have actual performances together.
It's really just a tough time for everybody - something like 40% of restaurants have permanently closed because of COVID. My best it to try to keep people involved and excited about music. Hopefully we'll get back to performing sooner than later. It's hard to hear about orchestras in New Zealand and Europe already returning when in the US it looks like we won't be there for at least another year (for performances).
My perspective is the work of the conductor is making sure the piece is interpreted correctly by the orchestra. Making sure the orchestra is playing it flawlessly as a unit and also that the notes and timing are correct. What we see on stage is mostly theater. How far off am I? Very close! The only difference it that there are many ways to interpret a piece, so the conductor decides the artistic vision of that particular performance. Orchestras often keep different sets for the same piece since conductors will have different approaches to the work.
The conductor is essential during the performances too though. It can be very hard for orchestra members to hear across the stage and there's still a lot of flexibility that happens in performances. There IS a lot of theater and show during the performance, but lots of practical need too.
I keep going back to the recording of Klaus Makela conducting the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra on the Ninth Symphony. He seems to express such affection for the musicians and (at least to my eye) seems to be connecting deeply. Am I over-romanticizing this, or is this anywhere near the experience for an experienced conductor? The filming of the performance was wonderful as well! The connection with the orchestra is utterly key. If you don't have the trust and respect from the orchestra, they will literally try to ignore you. The best performances, at least to me, are those where the orchestra and instrumentalists truly respect each other and work together for the performances. It really is one of the most critical things!
Favorite choral pieces written in the 21st century? Oh I'm such a sucker for a cappella like Eric Whitacre's Sleep.
I play the violin. I dream of being an orchestra conductor since I was little. My idol is Gustavo Dudamel since we are from the same country. Any advice on how to be a conductor? Learn your instrument as best you can and just be as curious as you can be. Try to ask conductors for their advice and try to emulate the ones that the orchestras respect. Learn as much about music history, theory, orchestration, etc. as you can!
Favorite funny memory from a performance/rehearsal? I was conducting Giselle (ballet) for the first time and there was a hunting scene with two dogs in it. In the middle of the scene they just start having sex - the audience went nuts. They were laughing so much that the orchestra couldn't even hear themselves play (and couldn't see what was going on). Best part was the ballet artistic director was so mad that at intermission he went backstage and fired one of the dogs...
What is the most satisfying part of your job? There are moments in the concert where everything goes right. The intonation, alignment, the way everybody plays together, a particularly beautiful solo from a player. Those are my favorite moments.
How does one get to carnegie hall? To perform? You just rent it out - it's actually a common rental and I can say I "performed" there when I was like 13 or so and also gave a piano performance in one of the smaller rooms at age 18.
Who were the conductor you were influenced by? Kleiber's musicianship and ease of conducting. Bernstein's infectious buoyant energy. Simon Rattle's curiosity and joy.
This just popped up in my feed so I hope it’s not too late to ask a question. With the autonomy that conductors have (urgency of a crescendo example); how close do you feel modern day renditions of the classics are to say a Mozart or Beethoven’s vision of their original piece? Period performances, which is the practice of trying to recreate as much as possible the original performance practices of Mozart's and Beethoven's day is a whole field of classical music. Instruments have greatly changed since that time and the range and strength of instruments have increased in the modern day. So right away modern orchestras have a different sound. There are some orchestras, like the Vienna Philharmonic, who are considered the authority for how Mozart and Beethoven should be performed. But there really are different ways of approaching their works. Beethoven's metronome markings are notoriously weird, people even speculate it was broken they're so off from what seems normal. So a lot of debate!
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Thank you so much for your response and this AMA. I totally get your point about the evolution of instruments, if I could ask you one more question regarding that; how would you reconcile today’s instruments and said advancements to the unicorn of orchestra instruments, the “Strad”. Cellist hobbyist here and to the guy that questioned your intent on doing this AMA, screw him. Eh, it's okay - the guy's a troll - his account is filled with him saying the same thing for various IAMAs - so not even worth getting worked up about it.
Yes, with stringed instruments the old italians, bunch of french, and some germans are fantastic! But with some instruments, like basses, wind instruments, various brass instruments, a lot of changes have taken place over time. Even in Brahms' horn trio was written for natural horn, not the modern horn. And man, the tuba is still going through changes.
Many modern high end string instruments are really fantastic instruments. And the difference between them and strads etc really isn't that much. Obviously strads have a marketing value and historic value. But as instruments, there are plenty that are very close.
How does one become an conductor? I’ve always wondered Most people learn an instrument as best they can first. There typically aren't undergrad conducting programs - just grad programs. They have to learn music theory, history, and how each instrument works (but they don't have to know how to play them). If you take the responsibility to lead a group, you need to know everything about the piece you're conducting!
I listened to an interesting podcast recently in which somebody from an orchestra described some stereotypes about the musicians who play different instruments, with the violin players as prima donnas, the viola player as wannabe violin players and so on. How would you briefly describe the players of the major instrument groups? Heh... a lot of those tend to be true... this is a cop out but I'm going to play nice and not stereotype orchestra sections too much. Except for the contrabassoon specialists... they're a special breed... j/k :p
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Hey now! Have you ever gotten to play a contrabasoon? I’m just saying it rattles something deep inside. It could change your life. One of my closest friends is married to a contra player - heh :) I just like giving him a hard time. Beauty and Beast excerpt is so great too. And had a crush on a contra player when i was younger, man, she was good with a knife :p
Hi maestro, I’m a composer and have lots of questions. In your career, what have been the most challenging pieces to tackle and why? Which pieces have required the most workshopping with the orchestra? What are the biggest sins a musician can commit and have you ever had to fire somebody? Have you ever heard this piece? I’ve always wanted to get a conductor’s take. And finally, what’s the most underrated ballet and why? I think the word challenging can be taken in two different ways - one could be technically/practically challenging, the other could be musically challenging. Practically, works with a lot of changing meter but also shifting emphases often are difficult. John Adams is famous for music that doesn't sound like the meter that it's written in. Some of those works are pretty challenging. Musically it's all over the place - even Mozart can be difficult to get musically satisfying!
Musicians need to prepare their parts and be ready to work on orchestra. While I've never fired people during a concert, I've definitely stopped hiring people or removed them from the orchestra for not preparing (multiple times).
I love Zappa!!!
Most underrated ballet - it's hard because there are ones that are audience favorites, but all the new works out there can be absolutely amazing. There's a work called Hummingbird by Liam Scarlett that I absolutely love!!
Do you think you can be good with dance pad with your legs? I'm actually notoriously terrible with dancing! Conductors aren't supposed to move their feet so perhaps I lost some ability there.
Do you wave your hands when you talk on the phone? AND pace. I find it pretty annoying that I can't sit still when talking on the phone... it's really bothersome...
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

August 24th, 2019 - /r/Dota2: It's the finals of The International 9!


587,489 player rage-quitting for 9 years!
/Dota2 was featured for the first time about 6 years ago, way back when the game required invites to join. Back then, the subreddit had 57k subscribers and the game averaged 250k concurrent players, which has grown to 584k subscribers and an average of over 500k concurrent players respectively, with the peak player count consistently hitting a million1.
"So what is DotA?", you may ask. It is a soulless void, into which once you enter, you cannot leave. Here's the answer, from the previous feature,
For those not in the know, Defense of the Ancients (DotA) was a mod for Warcraft III which was adapted into a standalone game by Valve called Dota 2. There are two teams with 5 players on each side. Each player gets to pick a hero and level them up choosing from 5 different abilities. The goal is to push with your team to the enemy's base and destroy it. It sounds simple(it isn't). Easy to pick up, hard to master, and the combinations are infinite (okay, they aren't but there are a lot of them).
Herein lies another tale, the legend of IceFrog1. Although his official name was revealed in court last year1, the conspiracy theories about the identity of the lead developer for DotA2 used to keep pouring in, with Bruno1, a well-known caster, often said to be IceFrog, and other fluff pieces calling SirActionSlacks1, another community member, the frozen toad. We do love IceFrog though.
Now, let's go through the annals of DotA 2 through the eyes of DotA2.
DotA 2 was first announced at GameCom, Cologne in 2011, with the first International being held having a prize pool of US$1 million1. 16 teams were invited to compete in the tournament, which would also serve as the first public viewing of Dota 2, and it was streamed online with commentary in four languages. Na'Vi1 won the tournament, and would go on to become one of the biggest teams in the game. The finals1, cast by TobiWan1 and syndereN1 are a delight to watch even 8 years later. A documentary named "Free To Play1" was made about 'The International'1/).
Patch Notes for 2011 - v6.70 to v6.72d
This year's 'The International 2012' moved to Seattle, with the prize pool still at US$1.6 million, and the teams playing live on a stage in front of about 2,500 spectators1#2012). TI2's most memorable moments include THE PLAY, the OG IT'S A DISAASTAAAH, Bruno's no legs strat, where you could see everyone else die a little inside and LD's1 over-exaggerated(is it though?) WAOW. Invictus Gaming1 won the finals 3-1 against Na`Vi.
The DreamHack Winter 2012 finals gave us another one of the most insane plays and hype-casting moments, the jD Masters Semifinals gave us the Maelk Award1, and an online stream gave us this epic Ravage by Sheever1.
Diretide1, was introduced for the first time, and became one of Dota 2's favorite time-limited event.
Patch Notes for 2012 - v6.73 through v6.77
2013 was the year Ranked Matchmaking was introduced, and Skeleton King got removed due to pressing ceremonial reasons 1.
The International 20131 (can we.. it TI3?) was once again held in Seattle and an "Interactive Compendium" was announced, with 25% of its sales amount going towards funding the prize pool. The US$1.6 million allocated by Valve, plus the compendium sales helped raise the prize pool to US$2.8 million. Team Alliance1 won the tournament, beating Na`Vi 3-2 in the grand finals1. This event was hosted by Kaci Aitchison, who would go on to be a part of the next TI's as well.
Some of the most memorable moments and posts of the year were Na`Vi's fountain hooks, the battle between LeagueOfLegends and Dota2, aforementioned Kaci's AMA, kYxY's aegis denial1, the million dollar dream coil1, another insane piece of hypecasting1, renaming of some heroes and discussions about a river.
But, the highlight of the year was when the community wanted Diretide, got hints that it wasn't coming, invaded Volvo and sent them to all, while requesting Diretide, and then thanking them, because they got both, a response from Valve, and also the Diretide game mode
Patch Notes for 2013 - v6.79c through v6.79c
The International 2014 was still held in Seattle, but the venue shifted to KeyArena1. As done the previous year, Valve allocated US$1.6 million to the tournament and released an interactive compendium of which 25% of sales went towards the prize pool, which took the total prize pool to over US$10 million, and settled just short of US$11 million1. Team Newbee1 won the Grand Finals 3-1, against Team Vici Gaming1, taking home about US$5 million.
Some memorable moments from the year included the introduction of a new hero Techies at the DotA 2 All-Star Match at the TI1, AdmiralBulldog1 and Sheever's multiple shenanigans, Team Evil Genius'1 22-0 loss1 to Team Invictus Gaming1, the art of rat dota1, the incredibly fun weekly stupid question threads, and copypastas such as 4k player who reported slahser, LMFAO wHo cAREAS HAHA Xd1, He's a good player, a bit overated in my opinion. But defenitely okay to be in a top team!, n0tail u r fuckin perfect m8., and literally nothing
Patch Notes for 2014 - v6.80 through v6.83
The game went back into beta this year, and the community collectively cummed, but there still was a lot of teasing. The International stayed at KeyArena, and the total prize pool reached US$18 million1. Team Evil Geniuses defeated Team CDEC Gaming1 3-1 to win the grand finals, taking home about US$6 million.
This year saw a bigger and badder version of It's a disastaaaaah, memes about mangos, OG's side-splitting pasta, trigger warning: whatever kid did i trigger you, a guy who delivered on his promise, drama surrounding a YouTuber, and copypastas for days.
Patch Notes for 2015: v6.83b through v6.86c
The game version jumped from 6.xx to 7.xx, with the game engine being changed from Source 1 to Source 2 (meaning you could blame everything on Source 2 now). The International 2016 was announced, with a Battle Pass being introduced for the crowd-funding of the prize pool, which stopped just short of US$21 million1. Team Wings Gaming1 beat Team Digital Chaos1 3-1 to win the Grand Finals and the prize money of US$9 million.
Thank you Dota, I owe you one, lolicon, "when the sun hits that ridge just right1" based memes, Valve's CEO turning up to fire 2GD1, calling him an ass (also notice the absence of a point number 3), and 2GD's response, Funn1k's1 rant, and Puppey's1 headphone smash were the moments for the year.
Patch Notes for 2016: v6.86d to v6.88f -> v7.0 through v7.01
The International 2017 was announced1, a battle pass realeased, and the prize pool hit US$24 million1. Team Liquid1 won 3-0 beating Team Newbee1, to take home the prize money of US$10 million.
A new spin-off game called "Artifact1/)" was released, the community gave their energy to Sheever, who was diagnosed with cancer, and she kept getting better, ODPixel1, mostly known for casting one of the longest match in DotA2 history became the rap god, a fluff piece about our god RTZ1, raising awareness about pangolins, a seemingly no context shitpost by a professional player EtenalEnvy1, sending a bot to all and OpenAI bots dominating 1v1 at The International were the highs of 2017.
Patch Noted for 2017: v7.02 through v7.07d
The International 2018 moved to Vancouver, Canada, and the Battle Pass helped the prize pool reach US$25 million1. The cycle of China/Rest of the World winning TI was broken this year, with Team OG1 coming in as underdogs through the open qualifiers, and scripting a Cinderella run to win the grand finals 3-2 against Team PSG.LGD1, taking home US$11 million.
The biggest switch-a-roo ever, angry rants, the TI broadcast team getting their recognition, GABEN's Announcer Pack, shitpost, shitpost, shitpost, and shitpost got attention. THe community also said goodbye to TotalBiscuit1, and cried their hearts out.
Patch Notes for 2018: v7.08 through v7.20e
This year's "The International 2019" moved to Shanghai, China, and the battle pass has so far helped increase the prize pool to over(for those of you who still do not get the 3 joke, here you go) US$34 million1. Whoever wins this TI looks set to take home about US$15 million.
The hot-takes up to this point are people being banned for typing Tiananmen Square in the stream chat, people going gaga over Valve putting out 3 blog posts within 3 days, plus a minor update in the same timeframe, a couple of complaints and Dota Underlords.
Patch Notes for 2019: v7.21 through v7.22f
Honourable Mentions And Spicy Drama Threads: * Puppey seems to be mad * TRASHTALK THrREADS * Tobiwan refusing to cast International Matches * Aui_2000 claims he was kicked from EG * Ex-Riot employee about DotA * EternalEnvy blog * Half-Life fans are flooding DotA with negative reviews * Cr1t shoves n0tail * Kuku and drama * Ceb and drama * Mason and drama * Lakad Matatag Normalin Normalin
Which brings us to the ongoing TI9. The Lower Bracket Finals are scheduled for 0200 UTC on the 25th August, and the Grand Finals for 0600 UTC. Check out the daily Match Discussion Threads, where Crusader-ranked plebs discuss the skills and strategies of Immortal-ranked pros.
Team OG are one of the Grand Finalists, and tomorrow's Lower Bracket Finals will decide who faces them, Team Liquid or Team PSG.LGD. This is the first time since The International 2013 that a team has made it to consecutive grand finals , and also the first time that the same 5 players are in it
You can watch the tournament live, at * Twitch * YouTube * SteamTV
For more information about TI9, go here.
If you want to start playing DotA 2, the subreddit has enough resources to get you up to speed.
And as we say, "You either play DotA for 4 hours and hate it, or you play it for 4000 hours and hate it". Welcome to being a noob!
Written by u/as53
submitted by SROTDroid to subredditoftheday [link] [comments]

A Master Beginner's Guide to FFXIV - 1st Edition - Critiques welcomed!

Welcome to - An Intro to FFXIV and what to expect from Eorzea

Guide under construction for 5.0

About this guide/FAQ -

With an influx of WOW refugees from an overall disappointing release of WOW:BFA, and the arrival of 5.0, Shadowbringers (ShB) expansion, I thought to compile a list of useful info for someone who is interested in or new to FFXIV. This guide will contain a concise overview of most aspects of the game, such as how to get started, how to reach the end game, and what to do once you get there. Not every section will be useful to everyone, and nothing here should be taken as absolutes, but I hope new players can be directed here for an up to date(5.0), one-stop shop for a comprehensive overview of the FFXIV experience.

About the game (Pros and cons list will be partially subjective):

FFXIV is a subscription-based, classic tab-targeting MMO. It is currently on its 6th year, and the 3rd expansion just launched. The game, at its core, is still a Final Fantasy game. Meaning that it's heavily story driven, and its primary focus in on PVE. You don't need prior experience with other FF titles to enjoy this game. And no, it is not too late to start :)
  • Thriving and generally friendly community.
  • Welcoming for all skill levels.
  • Aesthetically/stylistically pleasing, and has seriously fantastic music scores.
  • Praised for the superb story-telling and writing as an MMO title.
  • Unique character system that allows players to do everything on one character, including becoming every job (all it takes is a simple gear change to enable a whole new set of skills). No need for alts and multiple story completions.
  • Overall stellar end game encounter and combat design.
  • Deep social and non-combat activities such as housing and crafting (among many more features).
  • Great controller support and seemless cross-platform play with PS4.
  • Lesser emphasis on PVP content relative to most other titles. Players can still very much enjoy the activities available, but usually not as the primary focus.
  • Old engine has strange quirks/limitations, and some players report server stability issues.
  • The initial playing experience and combat is incredibly slow, especially for a MMO vet. Many players abandon the game simply because there is a mountain of mandatory quests barring them from getting into the outstanding expansion/current contents. If quests aren't your thing, then you might struggle with this aspect.
Neutral Aspects:
  • Content releases are predictable and consistent. They are not looking to remake the game with each update, so you always know what to expect (new raids, dungeons, story, etc).
  • The game director has previously said that they don't expect players to stay subbed 100% of the time. The game can be taken month-by-month, based on individual goals.
  • There is a cash shop containing mostly cosmetic items as well as level/story skip potions. Does not offer any advantages in gameplay, and is not part of a pay-to-win model.
  • Jobs offer no customizations/skill trees/etc, but is very well balanced compared to most titles.
  • There is a strong emphasis on dealing damage regardless of your job choice. Healers and tanks are designed and expected to contribute significantly to damage output.
  • The Global Cooldown (GCD) is 2.5 seconds. Combat will be slow-paced until more Off-GCD abilities and GCD reduction buffs are introduced as you level up. Don't be discouraged by the early levels, and know that the combat builds on itself in layers through encounter and rotation complexity.
  • Unlike many other MMOs, almost the entirety of each job kit is useful from beginning to the end.
Sounds good! How Do I Start?
  • There is a no time-limit free trial, with a level cap of 35 on all classes/jobs. Note you can't go back to this after adding a full license.
  • The base game called the Starter Edition contains A Realm Reborn (ARR), and is good until level 50. If you buy the complete edition or upgrade the starter editon to Shadowbringers (5.0|ShB), it will also include both prior expansions, Heavensward (HW) and Stormblood (SB). This gives 7 new jobs, 3 new playable races, as well as raising the level cap to 80. Any edition can be upgraded to the digital collector's edition for extra mounts/minions/etc.
  • The base game comes with a 30-day subscription, but subsequent playtime has to be purchased at roughly $13-15 USD.
  • On PC, the game platform is either Steam or Non-Steam. Game licenses /accounts / purchases are separate from the two, so you will not be able to switch between them once committed.
  • There is an Official Benchmark Tool to see if your system can handle the game.

Your First Character

  • Gender / Clan / Race / Appearance have no meaningful impact on gameplay mechanically, pick what pleases you. This can be changed later with a Fantasia Potion (Only one is given for free when you play, otherwise it costs real $ to obtain more).
  • Your server will be in North America(NA), Europe(EU), and Japan(JP). Each region will have Data Centers(DC) which contain Worlds, and the Worlds within the DC will be able to do most content together (raiding, dungeons, and etc).
  • You may visit any world within your DC through the World Visit System, and be able to use most of the game's features.
  • Some worlds will have a preferred status, meaning that every source of experience will be doubled for a limited time. These servers are generally lower population, and is great for if you want to level multiple jobs. There is a 90-day lock-in before new characters can be transferred away to another server.
  • When a server is full during prime time, you will not be able to create a new character there. Try during less busy hours or a different server. You may only create characters on standard or preferred worlds. Congested servers will only open up when SE decides to. You may check server statuses here
  • Starting base class will dictate your starting city, but the storyline all converge at level 15 when you unlock the ability to travel to other cities and pick up new jobs/classes. Go with what you find interesting based on the Official Job Action Video / Official Job Guide.
  • If you want to read a more in-depth write-up, please check out this Comprehensive Job Overview & Selection Guide (under construction)
  • Tanks and Healers will have shorter queue times for group content typically, due to players having preference for damage dealing roles.

Starting out and the journey to end game:

  • Most content in FFXIV is locked behind the Main Story Quests (MSQ, denoted by a quest symbol with a meteor-shaped background). Unless you buy a story skip, you will need to do every single one. They range from basic overworld fetch quest to instanced combat. This will be your primary source of XP on your first job. It is generally recommended that you focus on completing these and not get side tracked too much.
  • A special kind of quest denoted by a blue background means that it will unlock some sort of feature upon completion. This can mean new job skills or access to glamour(cosmetics) and more. These are generally important and worth exploring.
  • The "Scenario Guide" UI element will help you stay on track if you get lost on the MSQ, and will also tell you when job/class specific quests are available (Character Configuration -> UI Settings -> Hide When All Quests Complete => Off). Remember to get your advanced job at level 30!
  • Plain side quests, deonoted by a yellow (!), are mostly optional and are done for a small amount of xp or extra lore. Some do unlock optional rewards/content, so you can check under this progression and level-locked content guide for some bonus items of interest.
  • Multiplayer instanced activities are done either via the Duty Finder(DF, default keybind "U"), or the Party Finder(PF). The DF is the game's automatic match-making system, where as the PF will be the manual option. Dungeons and Trials you come across the game as you progress is usually done through the DF. Leveling dungeons (15-47, 51-59, 61-69, 71-79) are a great source of XP if you happen to need them.
  • A feature located in the DF is the Daily Roulettes. They are categories of activities pooled together (such as all leveling dungeons, or all trials) to increase the use of older content by providing rewards/incentives for players of all level ranges that complete them. Note the bonus reward is only applied once daily per category.
  • Side quests, Fates (Overworld events), Leves, and Beast tribes, are also sources of solid XP.
  • You can treat the FFXIV leveling and story experience largely as a single player game, with numerous multiplayer dungeons and trials sprinkled throughout the journey. The early game does not do a good job making it easy to play/quest together with friends (Aside from the dungeons and trials).
  • The game isn't meant to be rushed. If you find yourself bored of the endless fetch quests and dialog, you are probably not alone. The 1-50, 2.0-2.4 ARR MSQ experience is generally considered super slow, but the buildup will all be worth it. Keep in mind that patch content was meant to be drip feed to players over months/years. Feel free to branch out and take breaks.
Things you probably wish you knew from the start -
  1. Starting out, attune to all the big/small aetherytes (teleport spots) when you pass by them. You can set large Aetherytes as preferred/home to reduce cost. Don't forget you have "Sprint" available when getting around.
  2. Each base class has a hunting log you can complete for some early XP. The weekly challenge log is also a great place for various rewards when starting out.
  3. Do the novice questline at level 15, which gives you solid leveling gear and a ring that boosts combat XP. Located at major cities' adventurer's guild (Green sprout icon).
  4. Do your best to always keep the Global Cooldown (GCD) spinning/rolling in combat by hitting your skills repeatedly before they come up. GCDs are skills tied to a global 2.5 second timer, and off-GCDs (abilities) can be used between GCDs. Minimize the time doing nothing in combat.
  5. Use Chocobo companion in combat when you can, they are cheap & helpful(unlocks at lvl 30). Ability to ride them will be unlocked via the main story in the early 20s once you join a Grand Company(GC). You'll need 200 GC seals to purchase it (Fates or Hunting Log are easy ways)
  6. Vendor gear is useful for replacing outdated gear (5-10 levels behind). Wearing level appropriate gear is very important.
  7. Do use Gil on teleports. Time > money. Note you can also click on the aetherytes in the mini-maps to teleport (hold Ctrl to bring to top).
  8. Logging off/staying in sanctuaries (area near aetherytes) give you "rested" bonus xp towards leveling. You'll notice a small moon-shaped symbol next to your XP bar.
  9. You interact with the Market Board(MB) via Retainers. You can look at price comparison and history when buying off of the MB or listing something w/ your retainers (also get retainers and send them out. They can still do ventures while selling). You can have 2 retainers for free.
  10. Read your tool tips and don't disable in-game help. Remember to look at the traits and role actions too. Equip all of your role actions as you get them.
  11. Be friendly, say you are new when joining group duties for the first time. Most people will be mindful. A quick and easy resource for encounter guides is the series done by MTQcapture. Also check out this handy tanking infographic.
  12. Limit break (LB), under general ability, comes in many forms based on your role. It is important to note that the LB meter is a shared resource across the whole party. The dps ones aren't just for hitting bosses. Using the ranged or caster limit break on multiple enemies can have more value, especially if you use it early enough and have time to generate another later down the line.
  13. Starting at level 50, you will start earning Tomestones of Poetics and you can buy some of the best level 50/60/70 gear available from Auriana, Hismena (Locked behind HW) and Enna (SB). I recommend to not use Gil on the MB for gear from this point onwards.
  14. You'll unlock the quest for the Zodiac/Anima relic weapons at 50/60. These are purely for glamour now so consider these end game activities.
  15. The level 50 raid, The Binding Coil is an optional series of fights with a story, but is intended to be difficult content at level 50. If you want to play through them, the current best options are using the PF and hosting it "unsynced" to be carried through, or find a dedicated group yourself to learn and beat the fights synced.
  16. Do not use the DF for difficult content like Extreme / Minstrel's Ballad / Savage content, more about this below in the high-end content section.
  17. Crafting and gathering is completely optional. It's a large commitment if you want meaningful objective returns. Feel free to take these as a way to break monotony from questing. (More on this later).
  18. I recommend using the legacy control scheme when using keyboard & mouse. Without going into too much details, it essentially boils down to how the camera will play weird quirks with your movement while casting and moving away from your target. Standard controls do allow a more complete control over character facing and is useful for warriors in particular, however. I encourage you do give both a try, even if you are coming from WOW.
  19. Default UI and keybinds leaves a lot to be desired in terms of convenience and accessibility. Customize early, and customize often. There are a lot of UI features that are hidden out of plain sight. (And the Official Guide)
  20. Macros are tricky. They are coded to not queue properly, so do not tie them to a GCD and only use them when you fully understand how macros work in this game.
  21. When using the DF on the JP data center, include all other language options to reduce queue time.
  22. When you need to travel to the Waking Sands later on, teleport to Limsa, then teleport to the arcanist guild aetheryte, and take the ferry.
  23. There is a timer's tab (Default Ctrl + U) that shows you when various weekly caps reset.
  24. Early zones may seem quiet and inactive, but that's because the majority of the player base hang out in certain end game hubs, cities, or housing wards. There is also no global chat aside from the Novice Network (NN), so many players will be conversing in their Free Company (Guild) chat or in private Link Shells (private chat rooms).
  25. The NN is a channel populated by mentors who have satisfied the requirements set by the game designers, and have the ability to invite new players in order to provide help. Ask anyone with a Crown symbol next to their name to do so. The quality of this channel is inconsistent, as mentors are not always helpful (but they can be), so use this at your own discretion.
  26. After registering a full game, remember to apply a recruit-a-friend code before buying subsequent subscriptions. /ffxivraf is an option if you have no preference on who gets credit.
  27. You can optionally add a 2-factor authentication to improve account security and gain a free teleport location.
  28. There is a Companion App for mobile that grants another cheap/favorite teleport spot and MB tools.
End game - Finally! Now that you are 80 and caught up with the MSQ, what's next?
Gearing -
  • Gear helps you do more damage, or take more hits, and is vital for tackling challenging content. Thankfully, it is not too difficult to catch up on gear to do current patch content.
  • Start doing level 80 content or roulettes at max level to earn Tomestones of Goetia and spend them at the end game hub for 340 gear, and Phantasmagoria Tomestones for 360 gear. -Hunts are a great way to earn end game currency and materia as well. Join a hunting LinkShell(LS) in your server by shouting (/sh) in major cities/hubs.
  • Dungeons currently award up to ilvl 340. Treat this as a means to access the various roulettes and ilvl gated content.
  • Normal mode raid gear is also an option - rewards up to ilvl 450 gear. The current raid for ShB is Eden.
  • In general, always expect there to be one set of crafted gear, one set of 24-men alliance raid, 2 sets of 8-men raid gear, and two sets of tomestone gear relevant to the most recent content.
Tips about gear -
  1. ilvl is generally the way to go. If you are unsure, pick the one with the higher ilvl.
  2. Weapon > Chest/Leg > Glove/Helm/Boots > Belt > Accessories in terms of stats distribution and influence.
  3. You may affix materias to gear, and doing so is crucial if you plan on tackling high-end content. More on this in that section.
Crafting(DoH) & Gathering(DoL) -
  • Probably the most intricate and nuanced crafting system in the genre, and requires significant time and gil investments to start seeing returns.
  • Great source of income as most crafted and gathered items are tradable/sellable to players.
  • Gatherers and Crafters are their own jobs, meaning that they have numerous skills, job quests, and their own rotations that have to be learned and mastered.
  • It is typically an all or nothing ordeal, because every DoH jobs have their own cross-job skills that can be used by all other DoH jobs. And as such, they are extremely vital in completing difficult recipes.
  • DoHs are the primary source of housing items, glamour, raid consumables, and many other useful items, but are not required at all for most content.
  • DoHs also allow players to repair their own gear, or (Over)meld materia to gear.
  • I recommend getting BTN/MIN leveled first. Gathering your own materials will make leveling the crafters much less costly.
  • The general leveling order of crafters is - Everything to 15, WVALC to 50, everything else to 50, then 60/70. This order prioritizes getting the more powerful aforementioned cross-job skills to ease the leveling process.
  • The systems in place are complex, and it takes time and resources to fully understand. It is best explained by this wonderful guide if you want to explore further.
  • A Crafting Simulator is helpful for figuring out macros.
What else can I do? -
  • There are a large number of mounts, minions, titles, and achievements to collect, and great resource regarding this is apkallufalls.
  • Housing can also be an lengthy endeavour if you want to secure a prime location and fully furnish it.
  • Try picking up a different job! They are all unique and have their own story and mechanics. For leveling alts, repeating the highest leveling dungeon available for tanks/heals is the norm (short queues), but dps might find the best results from spamming Palace of the Dead floors 51-60. (Full alt leveling guide)
  • Fishing, unlike its gathering counterparts, is generally more time consuming and is basically its own minigame. It can take a lot of time to collect them all.
  • Dive into a Deep Dungeon, you can go for challenges or use it as a alternative way to level up combat jobs (DoW/DoM).
  • The Gold Saucer is another side area filled with minigames and unique rewards.
  • "Glamour is the true end game" is thrown around for a good reason. There are numerous glamour communities focused on composing absolutely stunning media. GPOSERS | Light Party | EGI
  • Squadrons management.
  • Treasure hunting.

High-End Content

Here we are. These are some of the more challenging aspects of FFXIV, and is why some players choose to pursue the combat side of FFXIV. They reward players with the best available gear and is a noticeable step-up in difficulty from anything else you've done up to this point. Beating these near release at the intended ilvl will take practice. Expect to die/wipe, a lot, but it will all be worth it. The Ultimate Difficulty raids are some of the hardest content any MMO has to offer. All of these are balanced and done by 8-men parties, normally consist of 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 dps jobs. There is an excellent blog post by Bokchoy about diving into savage you should check out.
I will go over these from the easiest to the most difficult.
Extreme / Minstrel's Ballad -
  • Single fight format.
  • Lenient enrage timer and mechanics that focus more on individual performance.
  • Typically rewards a weapon only slightly worse than raid counterparts.
  • Has no weekly lockout on loot.
Savage Raids -
  • A souped-up version of the normal story raids. Somewhere around the mythic difficulty of WOW raids (Most easier, some harder). This is the core raiding experience for XIV.
  • Requires more planning, execution, as well as individual performance than extreme trials.
  • 4 Bosses per tier, 3 tiers per expansion.
  • Bosses generally ramp up in difficulty with each floor.
  • Loot is capped at one chance per week. Tokens are awarded to be exchanged for specific pieces as a safeguard for bad luck.
Ultimate Raids -
  • Only two available so far - UCoB and UWU.
  • Brutally difficult. Requires incredible skill, teamwork, and practice.
  • Awards the ultimate bragging rights, rare titles, as well as cool looking weapons for glamour.
Resources & Tips:
  1. Use the Party Finder for anything extreme +, not the Duty Finder. (Unless you are in JP).
  2. Everything aside from Ultimate is doable with a Pick Up Group (PUG) formed via the PF. But people form statics (a fix'd 8-man team) to increase consistency, clear speed, group synergy, and better loot distribution. You can find them in various discords or /FFXIVRECRUITMENT.
  3. Proper preparation is expected. This means getting the best gear available, with the right melds, and have high-powered consumables to help you eek out the most performance.
  4. Check out The Balance Discord. This is your go-to resource for job guides, gearing, raid strategies, and mentors who will be happy to answer job/encounter specific questions. Make sure you read all the pinned information first.
  5. Advanced Combat Tracker is the only "addon" available used to track player performance. This is only available on the PC clients and is technically against ToS, but Square Enix will turn a blind eye as long as you don't harass other players with information from it. This tool should just be used as a tool to help you improve. There will be consequences if you harass players with information obtained by this, you have been warned.
  6. ACT can be further augmented with Cactbot and Special Spell Timers.
  7. fflogs, xivanalysis, and xivrdps are tools to help you analyze player performance.
  8. There is an in-game system in place to evaluate readiness for these content called Stone, Sky, Sea.


  • Unlocks at level 30, and gear has no effect on player stats.
  • Has its own tailored/simplified set of skills/abilities for balance reasons.
  • 3 Main game modes:
    1. A three team, up to 72-player objective based brawl called Frontlines.
    2. A moba style, 24 v 24 game mode called Rival Wings.
    3. Small team, arena based mode called The Feast. (4 v 4 rankes and 8 v 8 unranked).
  • The Revival Wings Discord is your best bet in getting into Rival Wings matches.
  • Official PVP Guide.
  • Rewards are mostly cosmetic (Mounts/Titles/Glamour Items), in addition to some XP and tomestones.
Extra Misc. Resources
Thank you for reading!
Aww Jeff - Gilgamesh
submitted by AwwYiss2 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] Megathread EU & NA LCS Spring Split 2015 | Semifinals - Day 1 | Live Update and Discussion Thread

Since the game starts in about 30 minutes, and nobody made this thread yet, I am gonna do it.

Make sure to PM us suggestions/questions!
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on when we go live!
We're going to continue hosting IRC chat for the Spring split playoffs. To join us, simply click here, enter a Nickname of your choice and press Connect. Alternatively, you can connect using your IRC client of choice at and join #TournamentThreads.

EU Teams

Team Infopages
SK Gaming Esportspedia//RiotGames
Fnatic Esportspedia//RiotGames
H2K Esportspedia//RiotGames
Unicorns of Love Esportspedia//RiotGames

NA Teams

Team Infopages
Team Solomid Esportspedia//RiotGames
Cloud9 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Impulse Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Liquid Esportspedia//RiotGames


Live Twitter Updates

EU Host

NA Host

EU Casters

NA Casters

EU Schedule

Semifinal 1
Day 1 FNC vs. H2K 08:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 FNC
Semifinal 2
Day 2 SK vs. UOL 08:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00

NA Schedule

Semifinal 1
Day 1 C9 vs. TL 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 C9
Semifinal 2
Day 2 TSM vs. TIP 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00

EU Brackets

QuarterFinals Semifinals Finals 3rd place match
GMB 1 ---- 0
vs. - SK 0 vs. -
UOL 3 vs. - H2K 0
UOL 0 ---- 0
vs. -
H2K 3 - vs. -
vs. - H2K 2
CW 0

NA Brackets

QuarterFinals Semifinals Finals 3rd place match
TIP 3 ---- 0
vs. - TSM 0 vs. -
GRV 1 vs. - TL 0
TIP 0 ---- 0
vs. -
C9 3 C9 0
CLG 0 - vs. -
vs. - TL 2
TL 3





submitted by Makorot to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] EU & NA LCS Spring Split 2015 Playoffs | Semifinals - Day 2 | Live Update and Discussion Thread

Apologies everyone for not making the thread yesterday! It was not posted due to technical difficulties. Thanks Makorot for stepping up!
Make sure to PM us suggestions/questions!
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on when we go live!
We're going to continue hosting IRC chat for the Spring split playoffs. To join us, simply click here, enter a Nickname of your choice and press Connect. Alternatively, you can connect using your IRC client of choice at and join #TournamentThreads.

EU Teams

Team Infopages
SK Gaming Esportspedia//RiotGames
Fnatic Esportspedia//RiotGames
H2K Esportspedia//RiotGames
Unicorns of Love Esportspedia//RiotGames

NA Teams

Team Infopages
Team Solomid Esportspedia//RiotGames
Cloud9 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Impulse Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Liquid Esportspedia//RiotGames


Live Twitter Updates

EU Host

NA Host

EU Casters

NA Casters

EU Schedule

Semifinal 1
Day 1 FNC vs. H2K 08:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 FNC
Semifinal 2
Day 2 SK vs. UOL 08:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 UOL

NA Schedule

Semifinal 1
Day 1 C9 vs. TL 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 C9
Semifinal 2
Day 2 TSM vs. TIP 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 TSM
  • All matches will be played on patch 5.6
  • NA matches may be on at a later time, depending on how long the EU games last.

EU Brackets

QuarterFinals Semifinals Finals 3rd place match
GMB 1 SK 0
vs. - SK 2 vs. -
UOL 3 vs. - H2K 0
vs. -
H2K 3 - vs. -
vs. - H2K 2
CW 0

NA Brackets

QuarterFinals Semifinals Finals 3rd place match
vs. - TSM 3 vs. -
GRV 1 vs. - TL 0
vs. -
C9 3 C9 0
CLG 0 - vs. -
vs. - TL 2
TL 3





submitted by TournamentThreads to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] EU & NA LCS Regional Qualifier 2015 | Semifinals - Day 2| Live Update and Discussion Thread


Make sure to PM us suggestions/questions!
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on when we go live!
NOTICE: Keep the threads to LCS discussions. If there are any mistakes in the thread (such as countdown, schedule, timezones) PLEASE, PM us. It's easier for us to see PMs rather than scrolling through all posts in the thread, and besides you won't be flooding the thread with "this and that is wrong".
We're going to continue hosting IRC chat for the Regional Qualifiers. To join us, simply click here, enter a Nickname of your choice and press Connect. Alternatively, you can connect using your IRC client of choice at and join #TournamentThreads.

EU Teams

Team Infopages
Unicorns of Love Esportspedia//RiotGames
Origen Esportspedia//RiotGames
Roccat Esportspedia//RiotGames
Giants Gaming Esportspedia//RiotGames

NA Teams

Team Infopages
Team Liquid Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Impulse Esportspedia//RiotGames
Gravity Esportspedia//RiotGames
Cloud9 Esportspedia//RiotGames


EU Host

NA Host

EU Casters

NA Casters

EU Schedule

Round 1
Day 1 ROC vs. GIA 08:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 3-0
Day 2 ROC vs. OG 08:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 2-3
Day 3 OG vs. UOL 08:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00

NA Schedule

Round 1
Day 1 GV vs. C9 12:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 2-3
Day 2 C9 vs. TIP 12:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 3-2
Day 3 TBD vs. TL 12:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00
  • All matches will be played on patch 5.14.
  • All matches are BO5.

EU Brackets

Round 1 Semifinals Finals
OG 0
vs -
vs -
ROC 3 OG 3
vs - /

NA Brackets

Round 1 Semifinals Finals
C9 0
vs -
TL 0
C9 3
vs -
GV 2 TIP 2
vs - /
C9 3






Web Browser Addons

Google Chrome
submitted by TournamentThreads to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] EU & NA LCS Regional Qualifier 2015 | Finals - Day 3 | Live Update and Discussion Thread


Make sure to PM us suggestions/questions!
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on when we go live!
NOTICE: Keep the threads to LCS discussions. If there are any mistakes in the thread (such as countdown, schedule, timezones) PLEASE, PM us. It's easier for us to see PMs rather than scrolling through all posts in the thread, and besides you won't be flooding the thread with "this and that is wrong".
We're going to continue hosting IRC chat for the Regional Qualifiers. To join us, simply click here, enter a Nickname of your choice and press Connect. Alternatively, you can connect using your IRC client of choice at and join #TournamentThreads.

EU Teams

Team Infopages
Unicorns of Love Esportspedia//RiotGames
Origen Esportspedia//RiotGames
Roccat Esportspedia//RiotGames
Giants Gaming Esportspedia//RiotGames

Congratulations to Origen for qualifying for the 2015 World Championships, securing the #3 seed for EU!

NA Teams

Team Infopages
Team Liquid Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Impulse Esportspedia//RiotGames
Gravity Esportspedia//RiotGames
Cloud9 Esportspedia//RiotGames

Congratulations to C9 for qualifying for the 2015 World Championships, securing the #3 seed for NA!


EU Host

NA Host

EU Casters

NA Casters

EU Schedule

Round 1
Day 1 ROC vs. GIA 08:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 3-0
Day 2 ROC vs. OG 08:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 2-3
Day 3 OG vs. UOL 08:00 11:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 20:30 00:00 01:00 3-0

NA Schedule

Round 1
Day 1 GV vs. C9 12:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 2-3
Day 2 C9 vs. TIP 12:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 3-2
Day 3 C9 vs. TL 12:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 3-1
  • All matches will be played on patch 5.14.
  • All matches are BO5.

EU Brackets

Round 1 Semifinals Finals
OG 3
vs -
vs -
ROC 3 OG 3
vs - /

NA Brackets

Round 1 Semifinals Finals
C9 3
vs -
TL 1
C9 3
vs -
GV 2 TIP 2
vs - /
C9 3






Web Browser Addons

Google Chrome
submitted by TournamentThreads to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] NA LCS Summer Split 2015 | Week 9 - Day 2 | Live Update and Discussion Thread


Make sure to PM us suggestions/questions!
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on when we go live!
NOTICE: Keep the threads to LCS discussions. If there are any mistakes in the thread (such as countdown, schedule, timezones) PLEASE, PM us. It's easier for us to see PMs rather than scrolling through all posts in the thread, and besides you won't be flooding the thread with "this and that is wrong".
We're going to continue hosting IRC chat for the Summer split. To join us, simply click here, enter a Nickname of your choice and press Connect. Alternatively, you can connect using your IRC client of choice at and join #TournamentThreads.


Team W & L Rank Streak Last Five Infopages
Team Liquid 13-53 1 W3 4-1 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Counter Logic Gaming 13-5 2 W6 5-0 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Impulse 12-62 3 L1 4-1 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Gravity 12-6 4 L2 2-3 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Solomid 11-7 5 L1 2-3 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Dignitas 10-8 6 W1 1-4 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Cloud9 6-121 7 W1 2-3 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team8 6-12 8 L3 2-3 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Enemy eSports 4-14 9 L6 0-5 Esportspedia//RiotGames
Team Dragon Knights 3-15 10 W2 2-3 Esportspedia//RiotGames
1 Cloud9 won the tiebreaker match against Team8 and thus secured the 7th place.
2 Team Impulse won the tiebreaker match against Gravity and thus secured the 3rd place.
3 Team Liquid won the tiebreaker match against Counter Logic Gaming and thus secured the 1st place.





Day 1 T8 vs. TL 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 TL
Day 1 DIG vs. CLG 13:00 16:00 21:00 22:00 02:30 06:00 07:00 CLG
Day 1 GV vs. TIP 14:00 17:00 22:00 23:00 03:30 07:00 08:00 TIP
Day 1 NME vs. TSM 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 09:00 TSM
Day 1 TDK vs. C9 16:00 19:00 00:00 01:00 05:30 09:00 10:00 TDK
Day 2 NME vs. DIG 12:00 15:00 20:00 21:00 01:30 05:00 06:00 DIG
Day 2 CLG vs. T8 13:00 16:00 21:00 22:00 02:30 06:00 07:00 CLG
Day 2 TSM vs. C9 14:00 17:00 22:00 23:00 03:30 07:00 08:00 C9
Day 2 GV vs. TDK 15:00 18:00 23:00 00:00 04:30 08:00 09:00 TDK
Day 2 TL vs. TIP 16:00 19:00 00:00 01:00 05:30 09:00 10:00 TL
Day 2 C9 vs. T8 17:00 20:00 01:00 02:00 06:30 10:00 11:00 C9
Day 2 TIP vs. GV 18:00 21:00 02:00 03:00 07:30 11:00 12:00 TIP
Day 2 TL vs. CLG 19:00 22:00 03:00 04:00 08:30 12:00 13:00 TL
  • All times are APPROXIMATE and the schedule should be used as a general guideline
  • All matches will be played on patch 5.13
  • Bolded game stands for game of the week





submitted by TournamentThreads to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

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